When Mom figured out that her youngest son had fallen into the pool, she was frantic. She pulled the toddler out of the water and tried to resuscitate him, but it wasn’t working.

Logan Hearn and Brendan

Enter big brother — age 9 — a take-charge fourth grader who had taken Junior Lifesaving.

Like many heroes, Logan Hearn isn’t sure if he deserves all the praise.

“I mean, I wouldn’t say I’m a hero, because any other brother would do that for his brother,”  he told Chicago’s ABC Channel 7 News.

It seems mom, Tabitha Hearn, looked around and realized Brendan had opened the door and let himself out — as bright 2-year-olds tend to do.

“I noticed the door was ajar. I immediately ran outside. The first thing I thought after that is, ‘He must be in the pool.’ That’s where I found him, face down.”

He was blue. In a panic, she called 9-1-1 and tried to perform CPR.

Nine-year-old Logan saw it wasn’t working. “She was kind of getting a little crazy and stuff, at that moment because any parent would, you know. So, I just kind of went in and moved her,” the fourth grader recalls.

“My son said, ‘You’re doing that wrong,’ and told me just to

move out of the way and did the procedure like it should be done,” remembers Mom.

Paramedics arrived and took Brendan to the hospital. There, he perked up when he saw his brother. “When I came in, he just got right up and started talking, demanding our dog , Carly, a bottle and Elmo,” Logan recalls.

“I don’t even know if I could react that calmly in that situation,” marvels Dad, Brent Hearn.

“Anyone would do that for their brother,” shrugs Logan with a humble grin, “y’know?”

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