Note: Here's a sampling of the "essential 55" classroom rules that keep kids happy, peaceful, and learning. 

RULE # 2: Teach your child the value of eye contact. When someone is speaking, your child should keep his eyes on the person at all times. If someone else makes a comment, your child should turn and face that person.

RULE # 4: During discussions, your child should respect other students’ comments, opinions and ideas. When possible, she should make statements like “I agree with John, and I also feel that…” or “I disagree with Sara. She made a good point, but I feel that…” or “I think Victor made an excellent observation, and it made me realize…”

RULE # 5: If your child wins or does well at something, teach him not to brag. If he loses, teach him not to show anger. Instead, he should say something like, “I really enjoyed the competition, and I look forward to playing you again,” or “Good game,” or he shouldn’t say anything at all. To show anger or sarcasm such as, “I wasn’t playing hard anyway. You really aren’t that good,” shows weakness.

RULE # 20: Your child should follow the same rules with a substitute teacher as she does with the regular teacher. (This rule is hard for kids, but it is important.)

RULE # 25: Your child’s classroom will have visitors. Your child should understand the protocol regarding visitors. Your child should be prepared to shake hands, introduce himself to the visitor, and welcome the person to school.

RULE # 26: Your child should not save seats in the lunchroom. If other students want to sit down, she should let them and try not to exclude anyone. Students in a school function as a family and they must treat each other with respect.

RULE # 32: Your child should know the rules for riding on a school bus. He should always sit facing forward. He should never turn around to talk to other students, stick anything out of the windows, or get out of his seat. When he exits the bus, he should always thank the bus driver.

RULE # 45: Your child should know never to cut in line. If someone cuts in front of her, she should inform the teacher, who will handle the situation. By fussing with someone who has cut in line, your child could get into trouble as well. Students need to handle all disputes with other classmates in the same manner—by going to the teacher.

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