2019-12-20 2019-12-20

You made a promise to God and your partner to love and to cherish, ‘till death do you part. Now, maybe you’re wondering if it’s possible to remain together, despite differences, obstacles, or space that has come between you. Your wife is too busy, preoccupied or aloof. Your husband is too insensitive, disrespectful or passive. Remember, the two of you took vows before God, family, and friends. Those vows remain strong today, but you may need to uncover them again, and pray for help along the way. No matter what has happened in your marriage, God loves you. He is here for you.

Here are a few powerful prayers that may help you and your significant other rekindle the love in your hearts. These are meant to be prayers for you and your spouse to say together, with the hope of re-connecting and coming together toward a common goal – your marriage.

Pray For Love

Romans 12:10: “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves."

Love. It’s easy to forget in the middle of an argument or the heat of a moment, but it’s what the Bible tells us to do anyway - love. “Be devoted…” in it. And the second part of this prayer may be just as difficult. “Honor one another above yourselves.” It sounds easy in theory, but in reality, you may feel like you are always putting your partner as a priority, and you are the one who is always second. Discuss this with your husband or wife and pray together over this verse. Ask each other what you can do in certain situations to put the other one first. This might be as easy as giving them the first cup of coffee in the mornings or folding the last load of laundry at night. Or, it may go deeper than that, such as having to forgive. If you are both trying to save your marriage from divorce, this is a great time to communicate with one another and discuss the best ways for showing each other love.

Pray For Your Marriage

Matthew 19: 4-6: “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

One flesh. Those two words are very powerful. If you are married, joined together before God, he does not want you to separate. God loves you – BOTH of you. He believes that the two of you, together, are better than apart. In what ways is your life better because of your partner? Discuss these things together and pray over them. How has your partner enriched your life, and made it better? Do you feel like you are a team, operating as one flesh, one body, and one life together? If not, it may be a good time to discuss how you feel like you could become more connected, and feel more united, as stated in the Bible. Are there activities you can do together that will bring you closer, or are there things you’ve put off that you’d like to start doing again? Whatever it is, remember that God rejoices in your happiness and your marriage. Pray for no one to separate the special union of you and your partner. Pray for the Devil not to come between you, but for God to uplift you both and solidify your relationship, making it stronger than ever.

Pray For Strength

Philippians 4:12-13: “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Christ who gives me strength.”

This might be one of the hard times…a time of being in need, of being hungry or in want. However, you know you can get through this with the Lord beside you. He knows it is difficult. He knows you are hurting and broken inside. He realizes that this is not something that you planned nor is it something you ever wanted. You may look around you and see other marriages growing and thriving, while you feel like yours is headed towards failure. It’s important during times like these to focus on your own marriage, and not compare. Remember that God provides you with the strength you need to get through anything, and He is there to help you, right now, if you just pray and ask Him. Take a moment to be with your partner and pray for God’s strength during this trying time in your lives. He will be there for you, if you let Him.

Pray For Faith

Romans 8:18: "The pain that you've been feeling, can't compare to the joy that's coming."

If you have been discussing the possibility of divorce with your partner, it’s inevitable that you’ve been in pain recently. No married couple ever sees divorce as happening to them, so when the word even begins entering the vocabulary, it can be devastating. God asks us throughout the Bible to remain faithful, to believe that on the other side of this emptiness and sorrow is a much, much happier place. If you know your marriage can get there, it’s faith that you’re deciding to follow. Faith that will lead you the way you need to go. Acknowledge the hurt but pray for the joy. Pray for the happier times ahead and along the way, remain faithful to Him.

There are many signs throughout God’s word that He is with us. He is helping you and your partner along this journey, and he won’t leave your side. Pray with your spouse and pray to God. Pray for love, strength, faith, but most of all, pray for your marriage. Ask Him to bless your relationship and let no one come between you. Ask Him to calm your fears and your desires and to put Him above all else. Ask Him for his wisdom and guidance to help you and your partner. And most of all, believe that He will be with you both as you navigate this road towards a more loving, faith-filled marriage.

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