
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Bulgaria this week to sway votes against Palestine’s bid to become a state. Netanyahu, who appeared to gain Romania’s support to oppose Palestine’s quest for statehood after his visit to Bucharest Wednesday, praised the Bulgarians for protecting over thousands of Jews during the Holocaust with hopes of gaining the country’s vote.

Bulgaria’s Prime Minister Boiko Borisov met with Netanyahu in Sofia and told Reuters and the Jerusalem Post that there is still time for peace talks, although Palestine ended the talks after Israel refused to cap settlement building in 2010, the report said. It appeared that Netanyahu has left the Balkans without any guarantees.

Both Israel and Palestine have strongly campaigned for support from world leaders before the showdown at the General Assembly at the U.N. in September. However, the 192-member assembly’s decision is not binding and could go to the Security Counsel. Netanyahu has already gained support from the US, France, Britain, Germany and France. Palestine wants ownership over Israeli-occupied Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Read more about this story in the Jerusalem Post.

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