2024-05-07 2024-05-07
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Menachem Daum, an Orthodox Jew and child of Holocaust survivors, is troubled by what he sees as the growing insularity of his Orthodox Jewish world. His sons, Tzvi Dovid and Akiva, have moved to Israel, where they live in an ultra-Orthodox environment that teaches distrust and even contempt of non-Jews.

After Sept. 11, Daum resolves to try to awaken his sons to the dangers of religious intolerance. He takes them to Poland, from which his parents and in-laws fled after the Holocaust, to convince them that a spark of the sacred resides in all humankind. In the process, he encounters the Polish Catholic farm family who hid his father-in-law and his two brothers from the Nazis during World War II.

Watch a scene from Daum's documentary, "Hiding and Seeking," in which he and his sons accompany Honorata Mucha, the elderly daugher of the farm couple who hid the three brothers, to a Catholic cemetery to pay respect to the graves of her parents, Mariana and Stanislaw Matuszczyk.
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