Dear Friends,
Gabriel Johnson Guthrie was born July 16, at 11:57 a.m. The birth was quick and very smooth. Little Gabe's breathing and heart function are very good, and he had no need to be admitted to intensive care.
He is a sweet, beautiful boy who weighed in at 6 lbs., 13 oz., and is 18 3/4 inches long. He reminds us in many ways of our daughter Hope, with several similar physical characteristics to his sister, who was also born with Zellweger Syndrome. He is very peaceful and already so easy to love.
We chose his name because we believe that he, like the angel Gabriel, is sent from God and protected by God. We will not be surprised if he has heavenly messages for us to hear if we will listen. And significantly, whenever Gabriel appeared in the Bible, he reassured his stunned audience: "Don't be afraid!"
Giving him the middle name of Johnson is our way of honoring Dan and Sue Johnson and is a reflection of our love and respect for them, as well as our appreciation for the many ways they have taught us, encouraged us, and served us.
We're taking things not only one day at a time but hour by hour. We've been relearning the skill of tube-feeding and he is doing well with it.
So many people ask us how he is doing, and our best answer is that he is very stable. We are well aware of the painful reality that these are his best days, and that his condition will deteriorate from here on. So we're doing our best to enjoy every minute with him.
We are so incredibly thankful to be surrounded by the love and prayers of so many. We have much joy, mixed with heartache, ahead. It is familiar territory but all brand new. Thank you for sharing our joy as surely as you have shared our grief.
-- David, for Nancy, Matt, and Gabriel Guthrie
Gabriel Johnson Guthrie was born July 16, at 11:57 a.m. The birth was quick and very smooth. Little Gabe's breathing and heart function are very good, and he had no need to be admitted to intensive care.
He is a sweet, beautiful boy who weighed in at 6 lbs., 13 oz., and is 18 3/4 inches long. He reminds us in many ways of our daughter Hope, with several similar physical characteristics to his sister, who was also born with Zellweger Syndrome. He is very peaceful and already so easy to love.
We chose his name because we believe that he, like the angel Gabriel, is sent from God and protected by God. We will not be surprised if he has heavenly messages for us to hear if we will listen. And significantly, whenever Gabriel appeared in the Bible, he reassured his stunned audience: "Don't be afraid!"
Giving him the middle name of Johnson is our way of honoring Dan and Sue Johnson and is a reflection of our love and respect for them, as well as our appreciation for the many ways they have taught us, encouraged us, and served us.
We're taking things not only one day at a time but hour by hour. We've been relearning the skill of tube-feeding and he is doing well with it.
So many people ask us how he is doing, and our best answer is that he is very stable. We are well aware of the painful reality that these are his best days, and that his condition will deteriorate from here on. So we're doing our best to enjoy every minute with him.
We are so incredibly thankful to be surrounded by the love and prayers of so many. We have much joy, mixed with heartache, ahead. It is familiar territory but all brand new. Thank you for sharing our joy as surely as you have shared our grief.
-- David, for Nancy, Matt, and Gabriel Guthrie