2024-09-10 2024-09-10
Multifaith Gratitude Prayers

Praying can be instrumental in helping you during hard times. It really doesn’t matter the way in which you pray. Just make sure to talk to God as often as you feel guided to do so, in whatever manner that resonates with you. Here are four of the most common types of prayer you may wish to use to help you get through rough periods in your life.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

The most beneficial prayer is one of gratitude. When you first get up in the morning, thank God for another day. Then proceed to thank him for each of the blessings in your life. Too often we take for granted everything that is going well in our lives and only pray when we need assistance.

I realize that it may seem difficult to focus on your blessings when something is going wrong. However, when you thank God for everything that is going right in your life, you really will begin to feel much better.

Let’s look at it this way --- Would you like it if people only spoke to you when they needed something? Wouldn’t you appreciate it if they told you how grateful they were for having you in their lives? Of course you would. So it makes sense to say that we should give this same respect to our heavenly creator.

Prayer of Petition

The prayer of petition is the most common prayer of all. It is when we ask God to help us or someone else. Too often though, we beg God to answer our prayer. In so doing, it means we don’t really believe our prayer is going to be answered. Do you remember when you were a child, and you begged your parents, family members, or friends for something you wanted? You begged them because you didn’t believe they were going to give you what you requested. The same is true for when you plead to God to answer your prayer.

Instead of begging, thank God, knowing your prayer is already answered. Have the faith that all the great masters talked about. Expect that it is a “done deal.” Feel the feeling that is already accomplished.

Examples of such prayers are, “Thank you God for helping me to feel better again.” “Thank you God for helping me to move on in my life.” “Thank you God for restoring me to perfect health.” “Thank you for creating harmony in my family.” “Thank you for creating perfect relationships in my life,” or whatever else you wish to occur.

I also love to write brief prayer notes to God and place them next to me on the nightstand by my bed at night. Sample prayer notes that I have written are: Dear God, Thank you for releasing in me everything that is preventing me from experiencing total joy; Thank you for completely resolving (any issues that are going on); Thank you for (whatever else I want to say). Then I sign it:  Love, Karen.  When I wake up, I feel so peaceful, and within a short amount of time, all of my so-called “problems” are resolved! Try it because it really works! Just make sure your requests always start with “Thank you for” (whatever it is you are requesting) as if your request has already been answered. Then feel the feeling of your request being granted and go to sleep. Yes, it’s that simple!

Recited Prayers

Recited prayers are those that have been written by someone else. These prayers can be very powerful  – as long as you are feeling what you are saying and not just reciting the words.

Many years ago I had a dream in which I asked God to teach me how to pray. In the dream I was shown that if I did recite a prayer such as the Our Father, I should raise my hands up towards the sky as I was verbalizing each line and really feel and mean what I was saying. I did what I was told, and with my hands raised, I proceeded to say, “Our Father,” “Who art in Heaven,” etc., line by line. As I was saying these words, I actually felt my hands being zapped with God’s energy. It was one of the most incredible experiences I ever had! I was so happy that I woke up after this encounter and was able to remember it all.

So remember, make sure to feel and really understand what you are saying when you recite these types of prayers. It truly will make a world of difference.

Just Talking to God and Your Loved Ones

My favorite way of praying is simply talking to God as the day goes by. Speak to him just as you would speak to anyone else. When you pray in this way, you are acknowledging that he is always with you, offering you his guidance and protection. 

Again, it really doesn’t matter which type of prayer you are using when you are communicating with God. Use whatever version feels the best to you, whenever the time is right. Just make sure to always keep that communication going with your heavenly creator, and then expect to be healed on so many levels!

Angel blessings to you, now and always.

Karen Noé is a renowned NJ based psychic medium, spiritual counselor, and healer with a two-year waiting list. She is the author of The Rainbow Follows the Storm: How to Obtain Inner Peace by Connecting with Angels and Deceased Loved Ones and Through the Eyes of Another: A Medium’s Guide to Creating Heaven on Earth by Encountering Your Life Review Now. Her new book, Your Life After Their Death will be released with Hay House in May of 2014. She is the founder of the Angel Quest Center in Ramsey, NJ where she teaches classes, gives readings, and practices alternative healing. You can listen to Karen on The Angel Quest Radio Show by tuning to www.wrcr.com on the first Saturday of every month at 1:05pm EST. Please visit Karen’s website at www.karennoe.com.

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