We all know and love stories of people who share their faith boldly. We appreciate the missionaries who shared God’s Word even though she could go to prison because of it. We admire than who stepped away from his job because he didn’t want to compromise his beliefs. We applaud the college student who stands up for Christ when a professor challenges the Gospel’s truth.
The Bible has plenty of inspiring stories like these. We’re so blessed to have written details about Mary, Moses, Daniel, Abraham, and other courageous women and men who stood strong in their faith despite the consequences or costs. These biblical stories challenge us to look closer at our walk with Him and ask, “What would I do if that were me?”
Esther’s story is an excellent example of someone who showed bold faith despite being afraid. She may have been orphaned at a young age, but Esther grew up to become God’s tool of deliverance for the Persian Jews. Her story illustrates how we can fight our fears and bring glory to God in a bold way. Esther was a Jewish maiden who King Xerxes chose to be queen and brought into the royal court.
Marrying this king of an empire who destroyed and exiled her nation held many risks for Esther; on top of her identity in the home focused on her obedience and beauty. Fear would be a natural response for Esther as she stepped out in faith to help her people. Here are some things we can discover from Esther’s life as we desire to grow in our confidence to share God’s word with the world.
God built us to be bold.
Esther’s cousin Mordecai, who raised her following her parent’s death, persuaded Esther to use her authority to help the Jewish people, guiding her to a higher purpose. Mordecai brought her attention to the possibility that God wanted to use her in a place at a particular time in history. Esther was on a throne for a time such as this.
In modern times, God has given us positions, relationships, and opportunities to be involved with His kingdom’s purposes. He’s asking if we want to be involved and if we trust Him. He didn’t place us where we were so we could get caught up in our affairs. We must stop waiting for more time or ideal circumstances before boldly sharing our faith. God placed us exactly where He wants us, and we should be available.
Obedience is a choice.
One thing about Esther that many of us identify with is her early apprehension and fear about risking herself to save her people. The nation’s law was against her twice; first as a woman and second as an Israelite. Going to the king without being summoned was typically penalized by death. Even worse, Esther wanted to save her people, which was a monumental task.
However, Esther didn’t immediately agree with her calling. She came up with fears and excuses, like the rest of us. In the end, God will achieve His plans whether we’re ready or not. When Mordecai recognized this, he said, “If you persist in staying silent at a time like this, help and deliverance will arrive for the Jews from someplace else.”
It can be easy to miss the significance of Esther’s obedience to God’s plan; she had a choice. She could have accepted her God-ordained place as queen and risked her life to save her nation, or she could’ve protected herself and stayed quiet. She chose a path of blessings and joy when she decided to play her role in God’s plan.
The book of James reminds us that we should do what the word says, not only listen to it or read it. That verse challenges us to pray for chances to be bold, see those opportunities when they show up and obey when they come.
Don’t be afraid to ask God.
Esther’s faith wasn’t blind; instead, it was bold. She acknowledged the cost, accepted the risk, and acted. In Esther 4:16, we see Esther pick obedience to God over obedience to earthly rulers when she says, “And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!” Instead of avoiding the hard things, we should ask God for boldness in prayer. Another beautiful truth we learn from the Bible is we don’t have to gather strength and courage by ourselves. God gives us the bold and courageous Holy Spirit. All we have to do is submit to God’s spirit inside us.
Don’t be scared to ask God for bold faith. It’s how we can see clearly and walk confidently in challenging times, like Esther and many others in the Bible. God is ready to do a new thing through and in us, but we have to choose to take a risk and step out to act in faith. Maybe God steered in a significant life change you weren’t expecting so you can minister to others. Perhaps He put you in a position at work that permits you to influence someone’s life. God will close and open doors in your life because He’s leading you to the bigger picture. If we’re patient and open to His calling, we can realize His plans for the people around us and us.
Esther is the perfect example of having bold faith. Like the rest of us, she had fears and doubts about following God’s plan. However, she was obedient and followed God’s plan. She didn’t know what God had in store for her, but she trusted Him anyway. Many of us wait for the right time or ideal conditions to complete our plans. Instead, we should follow Esther’s example and boldly ask for what we want.
When God comes to us and says He needs our help executing a plan, the first thing we ask is, why us? Instead, we should ask, why not us? God saw something in you that He felt He could use to uplift His kingdom. So the next time God wants to use you, answer His call.