Lindsay Fox/WikiCommons

Over the past few years, e-cigarettes have become a popular alternative to smoking cigarettes. The number of people vaping has increased rapidly from about seven million in 2011 to over 40 million in 2018. Some estimates show a trend of vaping reaching almost 55 million by 2021.

When these pens first came on the scene, they were pitched to be better for you than cigarettes and could even assist in helping you to quit smoking cigarettes. However, with more people being hospitalized and even some deaths being attached with the use of the e-cigarettes, more people are considering the safety of these products.

While the Bible doesn’t directly address vaping, there are principles that apply to vaping in Scripture that we should be mindful of.

Our health is so important to the Lord that in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, He calls our bodies temples of God: “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’ temple is holy and you are that temple.” Remember, we are commanded not to take in things that will harm what is so precious to Him. While we will face temptation in our day-to-day lives, we are happier when we are doing right by our bodies. We are called to honor our personal temple in order to enter His. Despite how e-cigarettes are advertised, the use of them can damage major organs including the heart and lungs. This is in conflict with God’s desire for our bodies, for us to be serious about our health.

Vaping is not only bad for your health, but it is also highly addictive. Before you know it, vaping can become an idol. You become a slave to an unhealthy habit. This is extremely dangerous because when you become addicted to something, you’re choosing desires and works of the flesh over God. Addiction is dangerous because it takes you completely away from God. When you have an addiction, you are relying on substances to make you whole, not God. The Bible warns us of this, but also offers us assurance.

First Corinthians 10:13-14 says, “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry.” Vaping is not only harmful to your body, but also pushes you away from God.

While people often think of the damages vaping can cause their own bodies, they often forget how harmful vaping can be to those who they are surrounded by – including spouses and children. Matthew 22:39 commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves. There is scientific evidence of the damaging effects of secondhand smoke and the high costs of vaping-related health problems. Any contact with these chemicals is damaging to your health.

If you’re struggling with vaping as an addiction, you can turn to God and ask Him for help. This can be done through prayer. Surrendering yourself means following God’s lead. It’s important that you pray for healing from your addiction, that God would take charge and control in yourself. We can find the strength to fight the addiction with God’s help. Every moment of every day you have the freedom to call on God for our deepest needs. What you think about is the most important factor in how you feel and what you say and do. Your thinking determines the person you become. Real, lasting change is always an inside our process that begins with our mind, goes down into our heart and body and then goes outward into our behavior and relationships. If you are looking to remove vaping as a habit and for your mind, body and spirit to be renewed, turn to this prayer:

Dear Lord, I come before You today in need of Your healing hand. I particularly come to You today to seek Your help to quit vaping – a habit that I’ve developed that I need help breaking. I’m especially in need of Your grace and strength as this addiction is really hard to shake. I know that in You all things are possible.

Hold my heart within Yours, and renew my mind, body and soul. I am lost, but I come to You with grace. You gave us life, and You also give us the gift of infinite joy. Give me the strength to move forward on the path you’ve laid out for me. Guide me towards better health and give me the wisdom to identify those you’ve placed around me to help me get better. Amen.

We are God’s loving children. He created us and loved us enough to send Jesus into the world to pay the price for our sins. As Christians, we are called not to abuse our bodies. They are God’s property. We know that there are major risks to vaping. They are incredibly dangerous to our health and we should avoid them at all costs.

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