man reading the bible at sunset

The dictionary defines faith as a strong belief in God or the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. It’s the evidence that something exists without seeing it with your eyes. Having faith in God is a challenge for all Christians. Living and walking in faith is a challenging way of life because of the numerous problems it brings. It’s also tricky because most Christians confuse faith in faith with faith in God.

Faith in God has numerous layers. First, having faith in God is believing in your heart that He is the true and living God, that He sent His Son to save the world, and accepting His divine will for your life. It’s also about trusting that He will guide you through whatever comes your way. It’s about submitting your requests to Him according to His will and understanding that they will be done His way. On the other hand, having faith in faith is thinking that you can have the desires of your heart when you want them. It’s the thought that you can make anything happen with your abilities.

Doubt is questioning everything and the feeling of uncertainty, bringing confusion. It also causes distrust and a lack of confidence. When the question of whether doubt is a helpful part of faith or not comes around, the answer is yes. Doubt eliminates the thought that you can ask God anything with faith, and you’ll get it when you want it and how you want it. That’s not the case. The request may not be granted when you ask God in prayer for something in your will.

When your appeals are denied or delayed, it can bring in feelings of doubt. Doubt can make you feel like God isn’t listening or He doesn’t care about you. However, you can use these doubtful feelings to change your mindset, prayers, and relationship with God. Delayed and denial can also make you question God. However, it can let your heart be vulnerable to God and allow Him to come in and show you that He heard your cry. He may also show you why your prayer was denied or delayed. If you keep your ears tuned to the Holy Spirit and let Him show you what’s in store for you, this can change your relationship with God. At this point, the desires of your heart are more in tune to what God wants for you instead of what you want for yourself.

Unfortunately, when a prayer goes unanswered, it can impede your relationship with God and make someone doubt Him. This idea happens more than you think because some believers lack their relationship with God and forget the root of their belief. If you feel you’re struggling with doubt in your faith walk, here are some steps to help you with your journey.

Establish a relationship with God.

Creating a sincere relationship with God will make you ask Him in faith for the things He’s placed on your heart. It would be best to make a conscious effort toward deepening and renewing your relationship with God daily. Talk to God in private, spend time meditating on His Word, or listen to your favorite pastor’s sermon. Whatever you decide, make sure that it brings you closer to God and establishes an understanding of who He is to you.

Trust God’s will.

You should also understand and trust that God’s will is best for your life. Everyone has an idea of how they want their life to look. Unfortunately, what we want isn’t always the best for us. God is our Father and created us as His children. Therefore, He knows how our life will look before we’re even born. As His children, we have to trust in His plan and understand He’s in control.

Have a strong prayer life.

When doubt starts to creep into your mind, the only thing that can fight it is prayer. Start praying enthusiastically when the doubt rolls in and ask God to remove your doubts. It would also help to have a consistent prayer partner to help you face your uncertain times.

Understand that doubts are normal.

We’re all human, so, naturally, we’ll have doubts. It would be best not to feel bad about having them or get discouraged when they come about. When doubt comes about, it’s the time to immerse yourself in prayer and douse your spirit and mind with encouraging scriptures. Another helpful thing may be to ask God to show you why you’re feeling doubtful. Getting to the heart of your doubt can help you work through it.

Doubt doesn’t weaken your faith.

Because doubt is natural, having doubts doesn’t diminish your belief in God or your faith. Coincidentally, doubts can strengthen your trust in God and make His will for your life stronger. When God doesn’t answer a prayer, take that time to ask God if you’re asking for the right thing. Ask God to show you His way when things don’t go the want you want. Having doubts is okay; it’s a part of the journey and growing as a Christian.

Read the Bible.

Reading and studying the Bible is the best way to fight doubt in your relationship with God. Numerous verses bring up asking God for what we want. On the other hand, most people only read what they think applies to their situation and skip over anything else. It’s vital to read everything and pray for understanding and application once you read it.

Uncertainty and doubt are natural parts of life. As you go through life, you’ll encounter things that will cause doubt in your mind, spirit, and heart. Instead of running away from it, embrace the doubts. Denying your fears will only make them worse. By getting to the root of what’s causing doubts, you’ll be able to fight them instead of letting them overwhelm you and create more significant problems. It may help to talk to someone you trust about your feelings. By honestly sharing your struggles, they may be able to help you. Finally, pray to God and ask Him to show you His will for your life. When He reveals it to you, don’t stray from His path.

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