Maybe you’re new to the Christian faith, or something happened in your life that made you curious about God. Whatever your situation, because there are numerous local churches, it might feel like a significant task to find a church to go to. You may wonder where to start or how to go about finding a church, but becoming part of a church is a profound step in one’s faith journey.
Acts 2:46-47 reminds us that church members would meet in temple courts, breaking bread in their homes and eating together with sincere and glad hearts while they praised God and enjoyed the favor of all the people. The Lord added to the number of those who were being saved. Jesus created the church, and in the New Testament, we find that the disciples spread the Gospel and started churches as more people came to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Going to church is an essential and exciting part of being a Christian. If you’re curious about Jesus, going to a new church can be a significant first step in finding out more about Jesus and becoming one of His followers. Here are some tips on finding your first church.
Pray on it.
If God is leading you to start going to church, know that going to Him in prayer about it will be the first and most critical step to take. God wants us to pray to Him about everything, so talk to the Lord about your desire to find a church and ask God to help you find the right church for you. God has marvelous plans for His children, and He has a purpose for the church you choose to attend. As you look for a church, be consistent in praying throughout the process that God will direct your decision and lead your steps.
Ask friends or family for recommendations.
If you’ve relocated a few times, you’ve had to find a new church. It can be helpful and less overwhelming to ask other Christians that you work or go to school with about any local churches they would recommend. Good advice can make a significant difference. Hearing their suggestions or experiences can help you find some direction for deciding which churches to visit. A good recommendation can lead you to the right church and keep the process of finding a church from getting overwhelming.
Go to church with a friend.
A good friend will extend their hospitable help to you as you try to find a church. It might feel less intimidating to go to church with a friend when visiting a new church. Maybe you can visit a friend’s church or ask them to come with you to another church. It can also be helpful to hear your friend’s opinions and ask for their support as you look for a church to go to.
Try not to delay.
Mary understood that putting Jesus first was the right thing to do. Sometimes, we have so many distractions that can keep us from taking the steps to find a church community or pursuing God. Take the necessary time to find a church that meets your thirst for being part of a Christian community of believers. However, don’t delay in making your decision. When God is stirring in your heart to find a church home, make it a priority to get connected and put the distractions aside. The longer you wait, the less likely it’ll become a reality. Don’t let too much time pass and deter you from finding a church.
If you have children, look for children’s opportunities.
If you have kids in your family, it’s essential to find a church with a dynamic children’s ministry. Children are an essential part of God’s kingdom and the mission to continue sharing the Gospel. They’re the next generation that needs to know God’s truth. Jesus embraced children and asserted their worth. When looking for your first church home, choose one that values children and emphasizes ministry to and for them.
There’s a consistent message in the New Testament that encourages believers to connect with a church and be active and engaged members. There’s a purpose in the church. Going to church is where you learn about God, live like Jesus, hear God’s Word, be encouraged, use your God-given gifts to serve, and build a community with other believers. It’s an exciting step in your life to start looking for a church, hoping to become part of a Christian community.
You’ll want to find a church that’s rooted in God’s Word and Bible-based, one that values worship, has serving opportunities, and makes you feel warm and welcome like a family should. These tips will help in your journey to find a church home that’s a good fit. Most importantly, trust that God is leading you, ordering your steps, and is with you as you try to find your first church.