We’ve all seen the various styles of worship in the church. There’s the quiet, contemplative type swaying from side-to-side with their head down. Then the hand raiser, standing at attention with eyes shut. Who can forget the talker that insists on injecting “Yes!” and “Amen,” into the atmosphere? But what about the “over-the-top” person that runs, leaps or even cries out to God like King David? Some would say it's just an emotional response, but is it okay to judge or doubt the intentions of worship styles that aren’t our own? Here are three reasons the answer is no.
Only God Knows The Heart
God is the only Being that sees internally. Worship is an intimate dialogue with The Almighty. We have to accept the fact that it won’t always look the same. He alone has the ability to truly discern our motives. What may be “emotionalism” to one person could very well be breakthrough for another.
You Don’t Know Their Story
Every person has a personal history with God that impacts the way they relate to Him. Genuine relationship always precedes genuine worship. When through God’s intervention a life is spared from addiction, dysfunctional upbringing or whatever destructive plan of the enemy, these are the pivotal moments that help author true worship.
It’s Not For You
Worship is not a spectator sport. If we are so consumed on Sunday morning, with ensuring that others look the part, we’ve missed the purpose entirely. As we constantly learn how to reflect the holiness and majesty of God in a humbling, sacrificial way…may we always realize that it’s not for us. It’s a spiritual offering and personal gift to The Lord that blesses us as well in return.
My prayer and hope is that self-examination takes precedence over the conviction to scrutinize others. Jesus’ parable about the speck and the log come to mind. Look deep within and make sure your own heart produces the melody of Heaven using your own unique God-given worship style.