St. Salvator of Horta (1520-1567)
A reputation for holiness does have some drawbacks. Public recognition can be a nuisance at timesas the confreres of Salvator found out.
Salvator was born during Spains Golden Age. Art, politics and wealth were flourishing. So was religion. Ignatius of Loyola founded the Society of Jesus in 1540.
Salvators parents were poor. At the age of 21 he entered the Franciscans as a brother and was soon known for his asceticism, humility and simplicity.
As cook, porter and later the official beggar for the friars in Tortosa, he became well known for his charity. He healed the sick with the Sign of the Cross. When crowds of sick people began coming to the friary to see Salvator, the friars transferred him to Horta. Again the sick flocked to ask his intercession; one person estimated that two thousand people a week came to see Salvator. He told them to examine their consciences, to go to confession and to receive Holy Communion worthily. He refused to pray for those who would not receive those sacraments.
The public attention given to Salvator was relentless. The crowds would sometimes tear off pieces of his habit as relics. Two years before his death, Salvator was moved again, this time to Cagliari on the island of Sardinia. He died at Cagliari saying, "Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit." He was canonized in 1938.
St. Maria Goretti (1890-1902)
St. Anthony of Padua (1195-1231)
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Blessed John Francis Burte and Companions (d. 1792; d. 1794)
St. Oliver Plunkett (1629-1681)
St. Agnes (d. 258?)
Servant of God Francis Garces and Companions (c. 1781)
Blessed Junipero Serra (1713-1784)
St. Thomas the Apostle
St. John Francis Regis (1597-1640)