St. Henry (972-1024)
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As German king and Holy Roman Emperor, Henry was a practical man of affairs. He was energetic in consolidating his rule. He crushed rebellions and feuds. On all sides he had to deal with drawn-out disputes so as to protect his frontiers. This involved him in a number of battles, especially in the south in Italy; he also helped Pope Benedict VIII quell disturbances in Rome. Always his ultimate purpose was to establish a stable peace in Europe.
According to eleventh-century custom, Henry took advantage of his position and appointed as bishops men loyal to him. In his case, however, he avoided the pitfalls of this practice and actually fostered the reform of ecclesiastical and monastic life.
St. George
St. Peter Regalado (1390-1456)
Blessed Ludovico of Casoria (1814-1885)
Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997)
St. John Bosco (1815-1888)
St. Jane Frances de Chantal (1562-1641)
Holy Name of Mary
St. James of the Marche (1394-1476)
Blessed Emmanuel Ruiz and Companions (1804-1860)
St. Paul Miki and Companions (d. 1597)