The 27 million people trapped in slavery are not without advocates. Read our list of activist organizations, and follow the links to their Web sites where you can learn how to get involved and help set the captives free.

The Amazing Change
Walden Media, the production company behind the movie "Amazing Grace," launched this campaign to gather signatures on a Petition to End Modern Day Slavery that will be presented to the United States House and Senate.

Support the Amazing Change at www.theamazingchange.com.

Anti-Slavery International
Founded in 1839, Anti-Slavery International is a United Kingdom-based organization that gathers information on slave cases and lobbies governments toward creating and implementing policies to restrict slave activity.

Assist Anti-Slavery International at www.antislavery.org.

Coalition Against Trafficking in Women
The Coalition Against Trafficking in Women addresses problems of sexual exploitation by launching educational programs on the sex trade and consulting with governments on drafting legislation. The coalition has networks in fifteen countries stretching from the United States to the Pacific Rim.

Support CATW at www.catwinternational.org.

Free the Slaves
Free the Slaves supports grassroots organizations in countries where slavery persists, creates educational tools to spread awareness, promotes slave-free trade, helps draft legislation, and researches contemporary slavery. Ninety percent of every donation given to Free the Slaves goes directly to liberation.

Help Free the Slaves at www.freetheslaves.net.

Freedom Network
Freedom Network (USA) is a coalition of organizations who provide services to survivors of the human slave trade. The network seeks to ensure that survivors receive all protections and resources guaranteed under the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000.

Find out more at www.freedomnetworkusa.org.


HumanTrafficking.org is a web resource with news updates, a monthly newsletter, activist event list, and exhaustive information on the modern-day slave trade. The site feature country-specific essays on slavery, tools for training in advocacy and assistance, links to photo exhibits, and more.

Visit HumanTrafficking.org.

International Justice Mission

International Justice Mission was founded in 1997 to combat human rights abuse on a case-by-vase basis. President Gary Haugen directs an international team of lawyers, investigators, and social workers in taking on individual cases of oppression.

Support IJM at www.ijm.org.

Lives for Sale
The investigative documentary "Lives for Sale" focuses on the little-noticed problem of human trafficking on the U.S.-Mexico border. The film's Web site contains a list of organizations addressing the modern-day slave trade.

Find out more at www.livesforsale.com.

National Underground Railroad Freedom Center

The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center is a museum in Cincinnati, Ohio that celebrates the legacy of the Underground Railroad. The museum houses exhibits on the modern-day slave trade, promotes community discussion through events and blogs, and offers resources to people interested in assisting today's slaves.

Visit the museum at www.freedomcenter.org.

World Vision
World Vision works in nearly 100 countries, including the United States. Current ventures include the Child Sex Tourism Prevention Project, which works on sexual abuse involving American men traveling abroad, and the Pawn's of Politics campaign, which seeks relief for children who have served in the Ugandan civil conflict.

Get involved at www.worldvision.org.
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