2024-05-08 2024-05-08
What books would you recommend to someone who wanted to learn about your religion? Check out our Editors' Picks below. Of course, Beliefnet members have plenty of suggestions and have shared them on the boards. See what they have to say, add your own titles.

On the boards:

Evangelical Christianity
Progressive Christianity

Basic Buddhism Books
Buddha by Karen Armstrong
Buddhism Plain and Simple by Steve Hagen
Buddhism in America by Richard Hughes Seager
The New Buddhism by James Coleman
Buddhism Made Plain by Antony Fernando
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Basic Earth-Based Religion Books
The Spiral Dance by Starhawk
Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler
Wicca for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham
The Wiccan Path by Rae Beth
Pagan Book of Living and Dying by Starhawk
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Basic Evangelical Christianity Books
A Short Systematic Theology by Paul Zahl
Christianity 101 by Gilbert Bilezekian
Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory by Randall Balmer
Just as I Am by Billy Graham
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Basic Hinduism Books
Classical Hindu Thought by Arvind Sharma
Jnana Yoga by Swami Vivekananda
The Bhagavad Gita Translated by Stephen Mitchell
Banaras: City of Light by Diana Eck
Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahamsa Yogananda
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Basic Islam Books
Islam: A Short History by Karen Armstrong
The Oxford History of Islam by John Esposito
Muhammad by Karen Armstrong
Islam in America by Jane Smith
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Basic Judaism Books
The Jewish Catalog by Michael Strassfeld
Teshuva by Adin Steinsaltz
To Be a Jew by Hayim Donin
Living a Jewish Life by Anita Diamant
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Basic Progressive Christianity Books
Christianity and the Social Crisis
by Walter Raushenbush

Why Christian by John Douglas Hall
Things Seen and Unseen by Nora Gallagher
Sexism and God Talk by Rosemary Radford Ruether
Risks of Faith by James Cone
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