finding your strengths
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Finding your strengths can be difficult.  For many of us, we struggle to identify what we do well.  Yet it is so important for developing our self-esteem and confidence.

Now, of course, most of us easily can identify our weaknesses.  I certainly can.  I can tell you exactly how many pounds I need to lose.  If you take a good look at my face and neck, I can point out all my wrinkles.  I can show you my resume and explain how I should be farther along in my career given my age and education.  I even can tell you that my night vision is terrible.

We are all so good at identifying our weaknesses.  But identifying our strengths is harder.  That is because we all are prone to being self-critical.  However, knowing your strengths is important.  You don’t need to know them for the purpose of feeling superior to others.  Rather, you need to know them to have a proper level of confidence.

When we can accurately assess our strengths and weaknesses, then we are able to be truly confident.  But getting to that point requires reflecting honestly on who you are as a person.

Below are some ways to find your strengths and realize what an amazing person you are!

Do Certain Things Come Naturally to You? 

If you want to identify your strengths, start with those things that come naturally to you.  Don’t take those gifts for granted.  Realize that what comes easily to you does not necessarily come easily to others.

For instance, you may be able to add numbers in your head with ease.  Lots of people cannot do that.  That skill means that you have a mind for math.  Or let’s say that when you doodle, you create beautiful pictures or caricatures of people.  Realize that most people can barely draw a stick figure.  That means that you have an artistic bent.

So often, we dismiss our natural talents with the mistaken belief that everyone can do what we can do.  They can’t!  Acknowledge your natural talents for what they are – a gift from God.  And make sure to be thankful for them.

What Do Other People Appreciate about You? 

Your strengths also can be found in what other people appreciate about you.  Consider the reasons that other people turn to you for help.  That is a good indicator of some of your strengths.

For example, let’s say people turn to you for advice whenever they have a problem.  That is an indicator that you are wise and have good judgment.  Realize that folks would not come to you for advice unless they thought that you had something valuable to say.

Or, if people turn to you when they are upset, that is a good indicator that you may be a good listener, or that you may be someone who is highly compassionate.  Don’t take those qualities for granted!  Not everyone possesses those gifts.

Very often my daughter turns to me for help when she has a lot to do and wants to know where to begin.  At my church, I am asked to send out regular emails to keep families apprised of upcoming Sunday School events.  People look to me for that kind of help because I am an organized person.

By considering why people ask you for help, you can get a good sense of where some of your strengths may lie.  People only seek help from those who they know have something exceptional to offer!

What Do You Enjoy Doing?

We tend to gravitate toward doing those things that we are good at.  When you consider the activities you enjoy, you will find clues as to your personal strengths.

For instance, I wish I was good at knitting.  I have done various knitting projects, and each has been a disaster.  And I haven’t really enjoyed knitting because it doesn’t come naturally to me.  So, I know that knitting is not my strength!

By contrast, I enjoy writing.  I can write for hours and not even realize that time has passed.  It is truly something that I enjoy.  As a result, I have learned that one of my strengths is writing.

Think about what it is that you really like to do.  Perhaps you enjoy decorating your home.  That means that you are artistic.  Or maybe you have fun managing your family’s money.  You like paying bills, keeping track of the bank accounts and making investments.  If so, you know that you have a mind for finances.

When you consider what you enjoy doing, you will find clues as to your strengths.  Realize that not everyone enjoys what you enjoy!  If you are good at cooking, realize that you have creative talents.  Not everyone likes to cook.  Trust me!  If you enjoy reading about the U.S. Civil War, that means you have a gift for the study of history.  Not everyone does.

Take the time to figure out what your strengths are.  It is an incredibly helpful exercise.  When you know your strengths, that can guide you as to what jobs you should pursue and what hobbies you should take up.  And when we know our strengths (not just our weaknesses), we can feel good about the incredible person that God created us to be! (To read more about identifying your unique qualities and strengths, click here.)


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