quality of life
Photo Courtesy of Pexels.

A high quality of life isn’t just for people who have a lot of money.  In fact, your quality of life has less to do with how much money you have and more to do with how you manage your life and your belongings.  Below are some ways to improve your quality of life at little or no cost.

1. Organize Your Closet

It is satisfying to look at a well-organized closet. Your clothes just look better when they are hung nicely and are in a proper order.

2. Shine Your Shoes

If you have leather shoes, shine them regularly. Freshly shined shoes make you look pulled together.

3. Deal with Your Mail Promptly

This goes for both paper mail and email. Unanswered correspondence and unpaid bills are future headaches. Deal with them immediately.

4. Give Away 10% of Your Stuff Every Year

You don’t need most of what you own. When you trim down your belongings, your home is less cluttered and more relaxing to be in.

5. Tidy Your House Every Night

It is unpleasant to wake up to a messy house. At the end of every day, go through your house and put everything away.

6. Don’t Leave Dirty Dishes in the Sink

After every meal, immediately wash all your dishes. A clean kitchen smells better and doesn’t attract bugs.

7. Make Your Bed

The single best way to make your home look organized is to ensure that all beds are made every morning. An unmade bed makes your house look like a sloppy brothel.

8. Walk for 30 Minutes Every Day

You will feel better if you do this bare minimum of exercise every day. You will feel more limber, and walking helps clear our minds.

9. Get Up Early to Improve Your Quality of Life

Your day will feel more under control if you don’t start it by rushing. Start your day calmly and the rest of the day will go smoothly, as well.

10. Eat Breakfast

Not only does your body need energy to get started in the morning, but eating a proper breakfast is a civilized way to begin your day.

11. Read A Paper Book Every Day

With all due respect to Kindle, there is nothing like reading an actual paper book to slow down and relax.

12. Say “Thank You”

The quickest way to improve your relationships is to say “thank you” – often. Gratitude doesn’t belong in journals. It should be constantly coming out of your mouth in what you say and when you pray.

13. Meditate

The quickest way to reduce your stress level is to do a guided 10-minute meditation. They are in abundance on YouTube. Find one that suits you, and do it every time you start to feel overwhelmed.

14. Eat Home-Cooked Food

The food served at restaurants can never be as healthy as what you can make at home. Your body will feel better if you prepare your own food using good quality ingredients.

15. For A Great Quality of Life, Don’t Argue

Very few things in life are worth arguing about. Let other people have their own point of view.  Keep your arguing to a minimum, and live a more peaceful life.

16. Be Quick to Pay a Compliment

Complimenting others is a good way to improve your relationships. When you encourage others, you show them that you are on their side.

17. Treat Yourself in Small Ways

Sometimes in life we just need a little pick-me-up. That is the beauty of Starbucks. For under $5, you can give yourself a treat to make your day just a little bit better.

18. Take Good Care of Your Clothes

Our clothes look and feel better when they regularly are washed, ironed and folded or hung up properly.

19. Floss

Dental floss is one of the best, inexpensive purchases you can make. Daily flossing not only makes your trips to the dentist a lot less painful, but it makes your breath smell better.

20. Send Cards

Now that all our communication is done via text and email, we don’t send much “real mail” these days. Sending cards using a stamp is a low-cost way to show others that you care about them.

21. Decorate with Candles

Lit candles create a nice aroma and ambiance for very little money. Scatter them throughout your home to make it look and smell lovely.

22. Turn Off Your Television and Computer

We constantly are surrounded by racket. Lower your blood pressure by taking a break from the noise and screens each evening. Instead, listen to quiet music and read a book.

23. Go to Bed Early

It is awful to be tired and drag through the day. If you go to be early every night, you automatically will be happier the next day.

24. Decorate with Plants

Green plants are a pretty way to spruce up a room or office. They are inexpensive, and your only maintenance cost is water. Sunlight does the rest!

25. Get a Spotify Account

Stop looking at your screen and instead listen to beautiful music. For $10 a month, you can find every playlist imaginable, from Chopin piano to meditation music.

26. Use Essential Oil Diffusers

Essential oils are an easy way to make your home smell like a spa. And the diffusers and oils are very inexpensive.

27. Learn Another Language

Knowing how to speak more than one language not only makes your life more interesting for work and travel, but it also has been shown to protect against Alzheimer’s disease. There are tons of free apps and YouTube videos to get you started.

28. Create a Cleaning Routine

Your home can turn into an out of control mess without a cleaning routine. Commit to cleaning your kitchen and tidying your home every night. Do your laundry three times a week, and clean your bathrooms and floors once a week.

29. Decorate with Photos

You don’t need a budget to buy expensive art for your home. Tastefully framed photos of family, friends and trips is just as lovely and far more interesting.

30. Have a Creative Hobby

We all need to use the right side of our brains. There are a multitude of ways that we can be creative at little expense. Consider taking up a hobby like knitting, drawing, writing, or cooking.

(To read more about adopting good habits, click here.)

Email: meerabelle@meerabelledey.com

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