With so many people in financial crisis, I’ve been thinking more and more about what I can do to help those in need. Doing this blog is one way that I hope to be of help, but I also wanted to give more direct service so I volunteered to do a Money Coaching workshop at…

 During a recent conversation, the question arose as whether there is a difference between gratitude and appreciation and, if so, what would it be?  In the thick of the discussion, one of my colleagues pulled out his computer and searched the internet for what others may have shared about this question. We found answers that…

Here’s a special prayer that I wrote this morning to help our readers who are unemployed and searching for work. Repeat this prayer daily to help you staygrounded and connected to God, the Source of everything. Dear God,I pray and ask for your love, guidance and supportin helping me to find meaningful work that will…

Suffering a job loss and being unemployed can be very stressful, physically and emotionally. So, it is very important during this time to pay special attention to your health and well-being. If you can remain calm and balanced, it will be easier for you to stay focused, positive and receptive to manifesting that perfect new…

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