Your Charmed Life

I was telling a friend yesterday that I wanted to look over my New Year’s Resolutions again to see how I’m doing with them 1/12 of the way through the year. And today I opened an email from a lovely friend (and one of the country’s finest feng shui masters, in my opinion, Liz Brown…

Contemporary spirituality is a lot about personal power: having the right attitude, affirming what you want, pasting the right picture on a vision map and, by golly, that picture is going to come to life for you because you’ve seen it and willed it and said, “And so it is.” I’m totally on board with…

Yesterday was humbling. I spent four hours with a lovely woman named Liani Greaves who is a professional organizer. At the task of finding a place for everything and seeing that everything has its place, she is brilliant. And I’m not. Four hours was all I could take, even in Liani’s lovely company. Although I’m…

… in my experience so far. These Tuesday Top 10 lists are subjective, obviously: they’re my idea of the Top 10 whatever-it-is. Today’s list, spiritual books, shares with you the books that have forged my path and changed my life. Maybe one of them will do the same for you. I hope so. A few…

Last weekend I spoke for the Institute of Integrative Nutrition at Lincoln Center in New York City. As I prepared my presentation, I knew I wanted to offer something succinct that would speak to a thousand-plus students on their way to becoming holistic nutrition consultants, teachers, and coaches. What would apply to anyone wanting to…

I had such fun today. I got to go to Chelsea on the West Side of Manhattan, to a giant Martha Stewart Living complex and do a photo shoot for the May ’09 issue of Body+Soul magazine. It will be part of a piece on life-changing moments featuring two other writers and me. Our “call…

One of my favorite people is Cathryn Michon, author of The Grrl Genius Guide to Life, and The Grrl Genius Guide to Sex (With Other People). She’s a comedian, humanitarian, actor, writer, and all-’round amazing woman. It is my honor to share with you her recipe to celebrate the Obama era. (Vegans can make this…

I am so fortunate to know people who tell me what I need to hear. That happened last night in a teleclass I’m teaching called “Come Into Your Own in 2009.” We’re meeting every Tuesday night in January and once a month throughout the year, and for each class some wonderful colleague has agreed to be…

With all the patriotic feeling extant in America on this Inauguration Day, it seems appropriate that this Tuesday’s Top 10 Tips should be for being a good citizen, in whatever country you live. Live up to the highest and best within you. One of the guiding lines for my life comes from the late Peace…

Hello, brave explorers who’ve discovered a brand new blog — Thanks for joining me here at the outset for “Your Charmed Life.” This blog has been a long time coming and the timing is so perfect: Inauguration Day! I watched the ceremony on a big, outdoor screen in an enthusiastic crowd on 125th Street, Harlem,…

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