A laudable follow-up to my earlier mini-post about the wonderfulness of dogs is this opportunity for people to keep their pets in these hard times. Numerous families have been forced to give up their animals, and in many cases those animals have been killed. Let’s help put a stop to this by getting Congress to support a lovely piece of legislation called the HAPPY bill.
It would make qualifying pet care expenses, including veterinary costs, deductible up to $3500. Here’s the link where you can get more info and sign a petition urging House majority leader Steny Hoyer to support this bill: www.theanimalrescuesite.com. When you go there, please pass the info along to friends who care about animals, and who care about the people who don’t want to give theirs up.

Photo credit: PT
Victoria Moran is the Oprah-featured author of ten books on well-being and living a remarkable life. She is also a holistic life and health coach with a practice in New York City and telephone clients across North America. For more information or to speak with Victoria about coaching, go to www.victoriamoran.com/coaching.