I feel as if I should produce a note from my mom as to my extended absence. My dog didn’t eat my blog, but my hard drive came near to shuffling the mortal coil and had to be replaced. It took longer than anticipated, so I spent nearly a week in the pre-90s world of phones and pens and White-Out. I have to tell you: a lot of it, I liked.

Here’s what I’ve done/learned/enjoyed in my computerless state:

— I fixed up our apartment. We moved in last October and it was never quite “right,” but this week I moved some furntiture, got a couple of new lamps, a tablecloth, and a shower curtain with cherubs on it. Little things, but I’m loving home.

— We had Aspen’s memorial service in Morningside Park. Adair wrote a beautiful eulogy that said, in part, “If Aspen had been an actor, she would have been wonderful at auditions. She’d have bounded in saying, ‘Here I am! Aren’t you thrilled to see me? I know I’m thrilled to see you!”

— I packed in advance to go to Vegetarian Summerfest (http://vegetariansummerfest.org — pardon the lack of link; evidently the blog software only partically installed). 

— I’ve read The New York Times every day. The real paper. The kind that can get newsprint on your fingers.

— I went to Chinatown and the Lower East Side — twice. I love these places, even though they’re far away.

— I had dinner with a freind in the East Village. I love the East Village. Also far away.

— I saw a chick flick with my daughter (My Sister’s Keeper — really good in that Lifetime movie kind of way)

— I read Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui, by Karen Kingston

And I’m awash in contentment. My job: to keep the contentment when I open the email.

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