The illusion of spiritual health and disease may actually run in both directions.

There are those, for example, who regard the Church in almost any of its communal expressions as wrought with a kind of irreversible and terminal illness. And, truthfully, there are times I feel this way myself. Like this branch and its brown leaves, these communions may be attached to the vine but there is no resemblance of spiritual life or health and vitality in any of them. Because of this sad reality, many people have chosen to walk away from the Church entirely.
Is There Spiritual Life in Today’s Churches?
I understand this universal walkout and I blame no one for choosing to do so. From time to time, I have come close to doing the same.
Reminders from creation like this one, however, tell me otherwise, when it comes to spiritual life, health, and vitality within some churches and within all persons.
There are always those individuals who are connected to the Source of spiritual life and health. As a consequence, there will always be some Christians communions that display the spiritual life, health, and vitality that thrives within them. But, generally speaking, it is NOT the ones that presume they are. Yet, there are likely more communions with real spiritual life within them than any of us are aware.
Here is the most salient of all spiritual truths.
There IS Spiritual Life and Guess Where?
Whether there is the appearance of spiritual life or not, whether there are communions and persons green with spiritual health and vitality or brown with spiritual illness and dis-ease, all branches are still connected to the Vine (John 15:5).
And, that means YOU!
Listen, it takes a lot of determined effort to detach from your natural spiritual state. I will not say it is impossible. But I will say this: if you’re concerned whether you are…you aren’t.
And, that’s for real.
Dr. Steve McSwain is an author and speaker, counselor to non-profits and congregations, an advocate in the fields of self-development, interfaith cooperation, and spiritual growth. His blogs at, the Huffington Post, as well as his own website ( inspire people of all faith traditions. Dr. McSwain is an Ambassador to the Council on the Parliament for the World’s Religions. His Interfaith Pendants are worn by thousands on virtually every continent, sharing his vision of creating a more conscious, compassionate, and charitable world. Visit his website for more information or to book him for an inspirational talk on happiness, inner peace, interfaith respect or charitable living.