You Can Sit With Us

I only looked down for a second and there she was, stopped, her break lights lit up. I hit the break as hard as I could but my car plowed into the back of hers. Just a minute or so earlier, I had been praying. My hands were shaking, I was in shock. Was I…

  The day my father died, I was at the grocery store buying bananas. I remember thinking to myself, “This is insane. Your dad just died. Why the hell are you buying bananas?” But we needed bananas. We’d be waking up for breakfast tomorrow morning, and there wouldn’t be any bananas—so there I was. And…

I never really understood the phrase, “anything worthwhile is worth fighting for” until I started to pursue my dreams. We see people’s success but we don’t see what went down behind closed doors. Last night, Lady Gaga said this,”And if you are at home, and you’re sitting on your couch and you’re watching this right…

There are 3 questions each one of us needs to ask ourselves many, many times over.   Who is the author of life? What is the story? And what part do I play in this story called life? We look around at the injustice and our eyes are filled with devastating headlines. We see people…

“When we react, instead of respond, to an abuse, we often create a worse doctrine than the one we reacted to.”  Bill Johnson Let’s journey back to the days of Abraham, whom scriptures call “the father of faith,” and see if we can embrace the truth about wealth from our founding father. Abraham did not…

God has been speaking to me A LOT about wealth. I’ve been listening to a series on financial stewardship and then He started to show me how he views money ( Kingdom) not the worlds idea or way. First of all God wants His children to thrive. We can’t move His Kingdom agenda forward if…

Voting can seem useless when we see what’s going on in Washington. Let’s break this down together because your vote matters more than you know. The word voting means you have a choice between two candidates and you’re vote may just be the vote that swings the pendulum in the direction of your choice. So,…

Because They Said They Loved Me: I Let Them Define My Worth As I sit and look at the title, I am overwhelmed with emotions: anger, sadness, disbelief, and a whole lotta truth. I let them define my worth. I allowed them to take control over my life. How? Why? I spend a lot of…

All throughout the Bible we see where God was calling certain individuals to do impossible things. When I feel overwhelmed by what He is calling me to do, I remember a couple of things. God made each one of us for a specific purpose. Each one of us has natural abilities and talents that were…

Have you ever walked into someone’s house and felt the tension, almost as if the air is thick? This tends to happen when we have unresolved issues, wrong mindsets, or controlling tactics. I grew up in such a home but now after years of living and even contributing to that, my home is finally peaceful.…

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