Year of Sundays

The First Christian Church website features graphics as slick and smooth as the service itself. It’s only my second post on this blog and I’m already starting to sound like Goldilocks. To wit: if the Unitarian Universalist church we went to last Sunday was too politically hot, the First Christian Church in downtown Portland’s park…

This Sunday’s church was recommended by one of my blog readers in Florida. She wanted to see how her church represented itself on the opposite coast. I immediately said YES! (It’s my policy for a reason!) So we hightailed it down there to experience the Disciples of Christ firsthand. My overall impression was that this…

Unitarian Universalist Reverend William G. Sinkford, defending the rainbow colors of conservatism. Sometimes devout believers like to mock Unitarian Universalism because it professes an all-encompassing openness to all beliefs. (They’re the people who pray, “To whom it may concern…”) But that’s the space I thrive in: faith in the power of not-knowing. Having come from…

[Insert EYEROLL here] I’ve already written about my experience at the Unitarian Universalist church, but sadly, it took me a while to muster up the nuts to publish this letter I sent to the Reverend the next day. Here it is, in all its closet-free glory. I think it’s definitely worth noting that I have…

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