Windows and Doors

Ever wonder why people choose to become rabbis, priests, ministers or imams? Ever consider what it means to think of your own work as more than a job, but as a calling? Although it’s often assumed to be a real question for clergy, The Calling, a wonderful documentary premiering tonight on PBS (9 PM, Eastern…

Most Best Of lists tell us more about the list-makers than about anything else, and this one is probably no different, but that doesn’t it isn’t useful in thinking about what were the best Jewish books of 2010. The truth is, that I probably would not have even addressed this issue were it not a…

While not always asked in quite that way, Christmas has played a role in the thought and practice of Jews for almost two thousand years. From being a day which inspired terror on the part of oppressed Jewish minorities living in parts of Late-antique Christendom and Medieval Europe, to the joy the holiday brings to…

While there may be some exceptions, to this suggestion, the story of Mark Gould and his eight year pursuit of one old Nazi, is not one of them. Gould claims that he spent eight years “under cover” building a case against former Himmler aide, Bernhard Frank. In fact, pretty much everything about this story is…

A forest fire in Israel has already claimed 41 lives, including Haifa Police Chief Ahuva Tomer who was buried today, and is, according to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, a punishment from God. Rabbi Yosef, one of the world’s most influential rabbis, quoting a passage from the Babylonian Talmud, explained that God is punishing the Jewish people…

What’s a “Jewish city”, you may ask. Is it based on the number of Jews that reside there? Perhaps it is a city which celebrates Jewish holidays or favors classically Jewish foods? Is a city more Jewish because of the amount of Torah studied within its borders? Could a city be thought of as being…

This list, taken from one of web’s leading search engines, reflects the 10 most asked questions related to Hanukkah. I take full responsibility for the answers and look forward to you adding your own. 1. When does Hanukkah begin? Hanukkah began on the 25th of the Hebrew month of Kislev, which corresponds this year to…

As we celebrate Hanukkah 5771, we also begin to wind up the first decade of the 21st century, and what a decade it has been. America went to war and remains so to this day. Israel and the Palestinians are still unable to make peace. The economy, both at home and in most of the…

Hanukkah has many meanings and has celebrated many different values over the years – military victory, political independence, religious freedom, reunification with God, the capacity of people to create their own destiny, the ultimate victory of good over evil, and many more. But through it all was the lighting of the Menorah and its promise…

The Israeli government’s Ministerial Committee on Legislation approved a bill on Sunday, which would protect all people who have converted to Judaism under the auspices of the Chief Rabbi of the Israel Defense Forces and the conversion course which it sponsors. Why this bill should even be necessary and who sponsored it are two of…

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