Windows and Doors

Aside from the obvious jokes about how crowded it can get when God joins us in the voting booth, many religious people bring their faith with them when they cast their ballots. In fact, how could it be otherwise? Voting shapes the culture and society in which we live. For people whose religious beliefs are…

With only hours to go in what will certainly be among the most significant mid-term elections in many years, Americans need to recall that voting, not victory is what’s most sacred to a democracy. By sacred, I do not mean ordained by God or any particular scripture. I mean that which is most centrally important…

Witch’s Wit beer may be tasty, but the label is distasteful. See for yourself: I am sure that the beer-makers were not inspired by malice toward witches or any other Pagan practitioners, but in a world in which people are still burned for their beliefs, Pagan and otherwise, do we really need use images of…

The following story from Religion News Service about how at least some Catholic Bishops understand who Jews are, how God relates to them, and what special connection Jews have to Israel, or in this case, should not have to Israel. It’s pretty disturbing. On the other hand, it’s hardly a majority view, at least not…

Like pretty much everything else, God can be found on Google. And this week, with the help of Google Street View, you don’t even have to search for images of the Divine to find you. This image, captured by the Street View feature of ubiquitous searcher (a fact about Google which may hint at the…

Howard Jacobson’s The Finlker Question just won the prestigious Man Booker Prize. Pretty wild considering it’s a British award and the book is entirely devoted to the meaning of being Jewish in the 21st century. That is Finkler’s question. I recommend the book, but even more important than Jacobson’s wise and witty wrestling with that…

Trading barbs about who is and who is not a decent human being and a good Christian, Kentucky Senate candidates Rand Paul and Jack Conway, demonstrated how NOT to mix religion and politics. Politcs Daily Editor-in-Chief, Melinda Henneberger captured the moment as follows: Right out of the gate last night, Paul pretended that this was…

I am traveling in Israel this week leading a group of American Jews committed to making the world a better place – a place of greater dignity for all people, a world in which Jews feel more deeply connected to each other, and a world in which they and others can find faith/religion/spirituality/meaning on their…

What counts as a church, synagogue, mosque or temple, can be decided in many ways. Synagogue, the category closest to my heart, is simply a Greek word for a gathering, and the Hebrew term beit kenesset means the same thing. But in a country which grants special privileges, including tax exemptions, to what the IRS…

Delaware GOP Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell invoked God and God’s will in explaining her political aspirations. Some find her remarks beautiful and others, including the majority of On Faith panelists; find it quite disturbing – some going so far as to suggest that O’Donnell is mentally ill. I find her comments foolishly inconsistent and a…

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