
Have you ever felt as though you are identified by the job you do? Do you ever feel as though your job title is the only thing people recognize you by? Have you ever wished that other people would get to know you in a more personal way, outside of work?

Your Work Title Isn’t Your Only Identity

Don’t let your identity destroy or define you. Be who you are meant to be. Love yourself and be confident within yourself.  Feel at peace with yourself as much as you can. Otherwise, you will miss out on so much joy that this life has to offer.

If you see yourself as only one identity, it can take your other strengths away from you. For example, if you only see yourself as someone, such as a Christian, a singer, a writer or a mom, dad, a father, or a social worker, or any other title that you can think of, any one of those things will be who you are.

You don’t have to live with just one title over you for your entire life. You are many things. It takes much time to figure out who you are in life, as well as what your unique abilities are. You don’t have to let just one title define you.

Don’t Become Consumed with Work

If you allow yourself to be defined by the thing you do for a living, you’ll forget about your other passions and become consumed with work. You are more than what you do at your job. You may never be seen as someone else if you don’t figure out who you are first, and then show your unique abilities off to the world. People may never see the different and unique sides of your character if you only allow yourself to be defined by one role.

Don’t Worry About Other’s Standards

You might even end up losing yourself within that role if you aren’t careful. Remember, there will always be people that are better looking, and better than you at something that you do in your life. However, you don’t have to let that define you, either. If you are constantly fearing that you will never measure up to someone else’s standards, you are getting the wrong idea. You are also setting yourself up for the failure that you didn’t want in the first place. There will always be people that are bigger better and faster and stronger than you, but just focus on you and do your best. When you know you did the best you could, you can look back with pride at the job well done, regardless of how it turns out.

Bumps and Bruises Don’t Mean Failure

You will have bumps and bruises along the way in your journey. There will be times when you think you will never make it in life. Thinking that you will fail is the first step to failure. However, thinking that you can do something and that you’ll do well at something is the first step in succeeding at whatever you do. However, don’t see minor bumps or bruises in your life as failures. Rather, see them as stepping stones in the right direction.

Don’t Psych Yourself Out

When you think to yourself, “Oh I’ll never be as good as so and so” you are only limiting yourself when you truly shouldn’t be. You don’t have to limit yourself. That is also Satan making you feel as though things may never happen for you. Don’t allow Satan to limit your thinking. Remember you can control your thoughts. You are in control of what you do and what you think. You are also in control of what you say to yourself every day. Don’t psyche yourself out in any way.
Never Settle for Limitations

You don’t have to give yourself limitations or let others set limits for you in life. Rather, rise above any limitations that are set before you. The only limitations that you ever have are the ones that you place on yourself. Remember, you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. With Him at your side, there is nothing you can’t do.

Enjoy Life
You can have an awesome life and an awesome time if you don’t identify as one specific identity in your life. You are made to enjoy your life and explore all it has to offer you. As you walk this journey between who you are and who you will become, remember, you can be anything that you want to be. If you feel a certain desire to go after something even when others think that it is a bad idea, still go for it. Even if other people try and talk you out of it, you don’t have to listen to them.  God will guide you in every step of the way as you navigate through this life and figure out your passions and your unique abilities.
Ask God to guide you in what area of your life should shine in specific titles. Ask Him who you should be in front of other people. Above all live your life for Him. Identify as a follower of Christ and all other things will fall into place.

You are allowed to have many different unique characteristics. That is one of the biggest joys in life, is finding out who you are and who you can become, as well as who you are meant to be in life.

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