
We are all future-oriented people. Everyone desires personal strength, inner peace, and hope. What other things do you desire? How much of the time can you say that you really desire to get to know God more in your life?

Let Jesus Be Your Desire

With everything that goes on in your daily life, how much time do you really spend with God? The most likely answer is, not enough, or not as much as you really should be or could be. Ask yourself, do you wake up and pray or go to Him in prayer at any time throughout the day? Do you end your night with prayers? It can be tough to find the time or wanting to make the time for Jesus. But remember, Jesus was and always is willing to make time for you whenever you call on Him.

Whenever He hears you calling to Him in prayer, He stops what He is doing just to listen to you. You might be wondering how can He stop and listen to me when so many other people are praying to Him at the same time I am? That is the awesome thing about God, He wants to hear from anybody and everyone is special to Him. He is omnipresent which means He is present everywhere.

He is also omniscient which means He knows everything in your heart before you even speak it to Him. It is special yet kind of terrifying to know that Jesus knows all things already. But it can also bring you comfort knowing that Jesus wants to hear from you no matter what you might be doing or how you might be feeling.

You might be asking well how do I get closer to Jesus and have the desire to talk to him or be close to Him again? It is simple, all you have to do is pray for peace and for God to bring back the desire to know Jesus in your life. You can let Jesus be your desire by growing closer to Him in both prayer and through reading the Bible.

Teaching Kids About Jesus

What do you teach your kids about Jesus? Do you teach them about His never-ending grace and mercy, or His miracles and about how He saved everyone by dying on the cross? You’d be amazed that while you’re teaching them about Him, you will probably end up learning more about Him yourself. It will often surprise you with the knowledge that you can pick up about God while teaching your kids about Him. It can be a lot of work, but an honor and privilege as well to teach any kids about Jesus, especially your own.

Have you ever stopped and seen kids who are learning about Jesus stare at whoever is teaching with awe and wonder in their eyes? It brightens your day to see kids smiling when they learn about Jesus doesn’t it? Whenever you teach kids about the stories of Jesus, such as the miracles of making wine from water in Cana or feeding the 5,000 people, or Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead or even Him dying on the cross and raising Himself to life on the third day, they ask you so many questions, don’t they?

So Many Questions

Have you ever been frustrated because so many kids are talking at one time wanting all of their questions to be answered by you? Have you ever stopped and told them to actually pray to God asking Him the questions that they are asking you? At least in those cases you are not only telling them about Jesus, you are teaching them about the awesome things that He has done for them and for you. You are also teaching them how to pray to Him and how to learn more about Him through the stories of the Bible as well as through praying.

Some kids might ask you how they can get to know God better. You can offer to pray with them or for them on your own, you can even show them some of your favorite scriptures. Reading your Bible more can help you get to know God more.

Develop a Habit

Take the time today to start developing a habit of reading the Bible by yourself or reading it with someone you trust such as a friend, a family member, or a significant other.  You can even start a new Bible study group in order to learn more about Jesus as a group. It is sometimes more fun to learn about Him through a group setting. Let your desire be for Him and see how your life changes.

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