Watchwoman: I can just about picture in my mind every Dem campaign strategist sticking their finger in the air to see which way they should go, to continue catering to the sodomites to continue getting their big buck$ from them that formerly came via Wall Street’s Daddy Warbuck$ and just give the flippin’ bird…

Watchwoman does not endorse, use or condone the application of the word “gay” to sodomites. The Bible never calls sodomites gay. ▬ Donna Calvin ================================================== Please vote in the poll.  Do you approve of sodomite marriage? To cast your vote go to:   ______________________________________________________________ Published: Monday, April 02, 2012, 3:20 PM     Updated: Monday,…

Watchwoman: The U.S. Constitution was based upon the Holy Bible.  It puts all our rights as coming from God Almighty, not a flawed, man-made government.  That is what Ginsberg, a member of the ACLU and former General Counsel,  ascribes to, godless atheism and that is why she calls our U.S. Constitution inferior.  She doesn’t believe in the One, Holy and True God of…

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