Justified – (Just As If I Never Sinned) This video is of Steve Vaus singing  early in his career in 1983 about his conversion to Jesus Christ, about the night his life was changed forever! Check out all of Steve Vaus’ videos on Watchwoman on the Wall web site: RENEGADES – http://blog.beliefnet.com/watchwomanonthewall/2011/05/inspirational-and-uplifting-wow-the-renegades-by-steve-vaus-video.html Just Below – JUSTIFIED (His…

Why Radical Agendas are Winning Bill Muehlenberg’s commentary on issues of the day… It seems that faith and family values are continuously under assault, and those pushing radical social engineering agendas are getting a free ride. They certainly have been quite successful at ramming through their agendas despite an often unwilling public. Plenty of activist…

IS SESAME STREET SPREADING LEFT-WING PROPAGANDA? EXEC ADMITS, YES by  Jonathon M. Seidl While the theme song to the kids show Sesame Street encourages people to ask how to get there, one author just finished an expose exploring what’s really in the popular show: left-wing propaganda. Sesame Street, with its loveable and fuzzy characters, is really a mouthpiece…

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