Please leave your answer to this question below. Click “Leave a comment” right below. Please tell me why? I want to know? —————————————————————————————————————————- ________________________________________________________ Tim Tebow Related posts: Inspirational Question? Why is public prayer okay and this public prayer condemned? 45 MILLION VIEWERS WATCH TEBOW GAME; MOST FOR OPENING PLAYOFF SINCE ’88  Tim…

POWER POLITICS ACTS STYLE! A Different View of Christmas 2011 Steven, the First Christian Martyr recorded in the Holy Bible [Saint Stephen (detail) by Giacomo Cavedone] ACTS 7:51-60 While not an overlooked passage over the centuries; the Church has generally focused on the lessons of Stephen’s martyrdom as opposed to the actual exhibition which was…

Happy Hanukkah to All the TRUE Jews Who Have Found Christ As Messiah   Have a Joyous Hanukkah! At last! At last! Hanukkah is here! The whole house is bursting with holiday cheer. Pancakes are sizzling as hard as they can, Browning delectably crisp in the pan. The dreidels can scarcely wait to be spun; Presents are…

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