Via Media

…has good things to say about the audit. There doubtless will be mistakes up there on the housetop. New games and new rules are hard to learn. Yet the charter and the audit suggest a major turning point in the history of the Catholic hierarchy in this country. They might not have wanted an audit…

A story about the soon-to-be Archbishop of St. Louis’ letter on abortion-supporting Catholic politicians Both documents were signed Nov. 23 before Burke’s appointment Dec. 2 as archbishop of St. Louis. Burke is to be installed in St. Louis on Jan. 26. Rose Hammes, director of communications for the La Crosse diocese, said the decree is…

Notre Dame’s A. Scott Appleby reviews a new book about the ways American culture has imaged Jesus

Ann Rice, here: Anne Rice, the author who gave new life to the undead, lives in a house full of saints. Her library holds six 15-inch to 2 ½-foot-high statues, including a porcelain Virgin Mary and Child dressed in embroidered velvet and stiff, gold lace. Almost life-sized wooden figures of Mary and of St. Lucy,…

Your review seems more to me like a desperate attempt to confirm your own faith and conceal your own doubts and speculations. You know this “fear” thing is a pretty much constant theme in these letters, which I find very curious. It’s as if people think that believers must never have thought anything through, worked…

Joseph’s, at least. (That’s what I get for washing dishes while he “eats”)

…to accusations made earlier this week.

The Syro-Malabar Rite can name its own bishops. In the sui juris (self-governing) Eastern churches that are in full communion with the Holy See, new bishops are appointed by the Synod of the particular Church. The single exception to that rule– which is laid out in the Code of Canon Law for the Eastern Churches–…

Christianity Today links to almost everything that’s been said about Brother Dean (Clears throat) May I venture out on a limb here? May I make an announcement? I don’t care about presidential candidate’s religious beliefs. I don’t care about a president’s religious beliefs. I. Don’t. Care. I have never understood the fixation – which strikes…

I’m still recovering from writing a pretty big feature story yesterday, and have a column to go, which I must finish this morning. And the babysitter can’t take Joseph because she has an emergency trip to the dentist. So. In the meantime, meditate on this story about a recently deceased monk at the Trappist monastery…

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