Via Media

Here’s a good page from Leadership U, an evangelical internet resource, and an excellent one. Many good links. Via Fragments from Floyd I think today and tomorrow, I’m going to make a webpage that links to as many DVC-refuting sites, links, and resources as possible. If you have any suggestions, post them here.

A correspondent writes: The Diocese of Amarillo was one of the hardest hit by the unfortunate events of 2002 — by which I mean the “party’s over, fellas” rules adopted by the U.S. Catholic bishops at their Dallas meeting. As a result, Amarillo lost one out of every six of its priests. The priests who…

They like what Bishop Burke had to say The bishop’s action is a fulfillment of his role as leader and teacher, said the Rev. Thomas Rudolph, pastor of St. Joseph’s in Stratford and St. Andrew’s in Rozellville. “The politician may take a huffy stand, but you must remember that if they can’t accept the church’s…

From the NYTimes Magazine I assumed we had stranded our 4-year-old son Luke in the same spiritually arid place we’d found ourselves in. When my husband went to Iraq for several months, I thought Luke and I were in it together, a suddenly single mom and a nervous boy whose daddy was in a war…

This was the subject of the feature article I was working on this week, and I did speak to Archbishop Hughes as part of it. As the New Orleans paper reports, the Archdiocese is stepping up to the plate and pulling all texts that the USCCB’s committee has found to be “not in conformity” from…

Well, not the whole group, which gathers the week after Easter, but about 200 administrators, I believe. Here’s what he had to say.

At NRO, Thomas Hibbs looks at the approach to abortion in 2 recent films Much is made of fidelity — to God, spouse, and children. In this context, a botched abortion is less an occasion for the promotion of abortion, safe and legal, than a reflection on abortion as symptom and cause of infidelity.

At NCR(egister), evaluating the Iraq war

and his battle with Parkinson’s. An article from a November issue of NCR(eporter) In the two and a half decades since the book’s publication, M. Scott Peck has lived much of his inner life, and a modicum of his personal life, in public. He has been, and at 67 still is, on a spiritual quest.…

Cathleen Falsani chats up Cardinal George on DVC He’s pretty miffed. “Jesus isn’t God but Mary Magdalene is a goddess? I mean, what does that mean? If he’s not God, why is he married to a goddess? That part, it drives me crazy. What also drives me crazy is that in the present atmosphere of…

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