Via Media

For those of you who missed it when it first appeared on the Internet a couple of years ago, here is a Universal newsreel account of his 1956 ordination in New York. (Remember it was rather big news at the time, since he was the convert son of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles)

There’s been a lot of discussion about the Jesuit-run U of San Francisco’s  student health coverage plan over the past few days. The Catholic Key blog gives essential background information: Several blogs and news sites have been reporting on information brought to light on The Catholic Key Blog that the Jesuit-run University of San Francisco…

As most of you all already know, Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ passed away last night. First Things has a notice, as well as links to the many articles Cardinal Dulles wrote for the magazine. More at America. A comprehensive Dulles page, sponsored by the Cardinal Ratzinger Fan Club. This morning, the CDF released an instruction…

All right. A little break was called for because I am trying to get a book done. But one must start before one can talk about getting something “done,” eh? I’m just about finished reading almost every pertinent address, homily and message that’s come from Pope Benedict – those that I can safely assume come…

Cleaning out the emailbox. You know how it goes. First, I don’t know if I’ve mentioned Faith and Family Live – the great “magazine and blog of Catholic daily living.” Many of you are aware of it and probably frequent visitors, but for those that aren’t – go! Surviving Mumbai – at Catholic Exchange. FlockNote…

It’s only December 8. Calm Down. Some people got their Christmas shopping done in September, some are just starting. There’s still time. I was going to do this post a month ago, though, when The Anchoress posted on monastic gifts and those produced by other cottage industries. I was going to add to her excellent…

Therefore, self-fulfilment is a contradiction and is also too little for us. We have a loftier destination. – Pope Benedict

But thanks to Charley Collins for the interview! Me going on (and I do mean goin’ on – Lord, at the beginning I sound like the laziest woman in Alabama) about the Pope and children. Direct MP3 link

Can someone tell me where I took this picture? It is right after some photos that I took in S. Bartolomeo all’Isola, but I am not sure if it was in there or not. It is involves a bishop and Charity, but I don’t remember the details. Update: That didn’t take long. Thanks, Sid! Sant’Agostino,…

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