Via Media

You might be aware that violence between Muslims and Christians has flared up again in Nigeria. Ruth Gedhill has a helpful summary on her blog. Horrific stories of ruthless killings on the streets of Jos in northern Nigeria are emerging. At least one church pastor was shot dead, along with three members of his household…

Speaking of flexibility, creativity and profit: Jeffrey Tucker looks ahead a bit and asks what your parish is doing for the Introit for Gaudete Sunday. Since, of course, the whole reason it’s  called “Gaudete Sunday” is because of the Introit: Gaudete in Domino semper: iterum dico, gaudete: modestia vestra nota sit omnibus hominibus: Dominus prope…

About two months ago, Deacon Greg Kandra of the Diocese of Brooklyn, who blogs at the Deacon’s Bench, left CBS News to work for NET television, a media apostolate associate with the Diocese. This week, the station has made news – from a link on Drudge to a story on CNN – with its new…

St. Nicholas day is tomorrow, so of course, head to the marvelous St. Nicholas Center website for all your celebratory needs.

Besides sorting through Rome memories and trying to adapt to the new WordPress interface (which I think I like, but takes getting used to), I’ve been watching the publishing news closely this week. There have been a series of layoffs and shakeups in all sectors this week: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Random House Thomas Nelson ,…

I still have a few more posts to go, and some more photos, but here are links to the major Rome posts so far: The trip over . More on the trip. Mass in Brighton Brighton Pictures In praise of the apartment I rented Day One Summary Day Two S. Carlo ai Catinari And more…

On the Tuesday of my trip, I got on the bus in the morning and headed east, toward the Center. Crossing the Tiber, the bus passed some ruins which turned out to be the Teatro Marcello (blogged briefly on here). After I finished with Teatro Marcello, I turned toward the Jewish Ghetto and walked through…

(Not that I’m defensive about the Thai food thing. Really.) Is to admit that one of my top 5 moments of excitement in Rome occurred (and my son can vouch for this one. He was with me, poor guy. And puzzled, too.) when we were walking on Via del Tritone and I saw this. Believe…

Here’s a nice 2006 talk to a group of servers from the Pope. Might be helpful.

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