Here are words and philosophizing … about not getting caught in words and philosophizing … Tatoe e ni hokori go ni yutaka ni shite, becchi no chitsû o e, dô o e, shin o akirame te, shôten no shiiki o koshi, nyûtô no henryô ni shôyô su to iedomo, hotondo shusshin no katsuro o kiketsu…

Master Dogen said ‘Zazen is itself Enlightenment,’ there is nothing to pursue … Thus, as you can, do not think ‘this’ vs. ‘that’, forget ‘likes’ ‘dislikes’ … do not think ‘me’ – ‘not me’ … dropping all such dividing images from mind. Just Sit, in the open space in between. This is also ‘not pursuing’…

Not needing to seek some special state … that ‘not needing’ -is– a special state. Not pursuing a treasure … that ‘no pursuing, just stillness’ -is– the treasure. But if you need ‘not needing’ … if you mentally pursue ‘not pursuing’ … the treasure of stillness can vanish in an instant. Thus, Master Dogen said…

The most ordinary act, such as a simple drink of water, can be made a practice of mindfulness. Do I drink the water, or does the water drink me? In fact, there is just the act of ‘drinking’ in this one moment. Then, all thought of even that is dropped away. Press the arrow for…

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