Moreover, remembering the natural sage of Jetavana park, we can still see the traces of his six years of upright sitting.We can still hear rumors of the transmitter of the mind-seal at Shaolin [Bodhidharma], spending nine years facing the wall. The ancient saints were like that already: how could people today fail to practice wholeheartedly?…

Just one more balding, slightly fat, middle aged ex-hippy with an earring and a beard … Moreover, remembering the natural sage of Jetavana park, we can still see the traces of his six years of upright sitting.We can still hear rumors of the transmitter of the mind-seal at Shaolin [Bodhidharma], spending nine years facing the…

Not going to extremes … The Middle Way. Iwan ya kano Gion no shôchi taru, tanza rokunen no shôseki mitsu beshi. Shôrin no shin’in o tsutauru, menpeki kyûsai no seimei nao kikoyu. Koshô sudeni shikari, konjin nanzo benzezaru. Moreover, remembering the natural sage of Jetavana park, we can still see the traces of his six…

‘Just Do It’ … Just Do Zazen, Just Do Ordinary Life … ‘Just Do’ by Non-Doing … Even if, proud of our understanding and richly endowed with realizations, we obtain special states of insight, attain the truth, we clarify the mind, we manifest a zeal that pierces the sky, [even so, we but] ramble through…

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