The New Christians

Kashmir by Led Zeppelin

Nick Fiedler: We didn’t want Emergent to become the new club, but we wanted it to organize so that through gatherings, cohorts, and online social networks it could create it’s own grouping and lovingly force some voices out into the open. That happened a little. But it seems that recently we have lost hope in…

Nick Fiedler is the latest to jump on the meme that emergent is fizzling, and he’s disappointed. I am loathe to respond to posts like his. In fact, I rarely read them because I find them utterly depressing, and they tend to occupy my mind in the place of the more noble and kingdom-based endeavors…

It goes to Andrew Sullivan, who wrote of President Obama’s Cairo speech, At its heart, the speech sprang, it seemed to me, a spiritual conviction that human differences, if openly acknowledged, need not remain crippling. It was a deeply Christian – and not Christianist – address; seeking to lead by example and patience rather than…

I had the good fortune of watching President Obama’s speech live from Cairo this morning, and it was masterful. There is and will be no dearth of commentary and analysis over the next few days, so I’ll just say this: We elected this man because of his ability to make measured speeches in tense environments,…

More good comments under the second lectionary post (and here’s the first). So here are my concluding thoughts (for now). When I began working as a pastor at Colonial Church in 1997, David Fisher had just introduced the Revised Common Lectionary as the general guide for preaching. I loved it, and here’s why: As the…

It may seem a parochial concern, but the comments on the Revised Common Lectionary post last week have been very intriguing. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the comments of two members of the Consultation on Common Texts, especially. That’s the ecumenical group that puts together the RCL. Their comments have been enlightening, but they’ve failed…

Disclosure: Beliefnet is owned by Fox Entertainment Group, which also owns Fox News.

Last Friday, I completed the first draft of a book on the Didache for Paraclete Press.  It’ll come out sometime this fall, but in the meantime, here’s a top ten list of my favorite lines from that wonderful little manual on the Christian faith (these come from our new, contemporary translation, which I hope to…

Paul’s pivotal life experience is referred to as the Calling of Paul or the Damascus Road Experience–the day Jesus confronted Paul. Luke recorded the original incident in Acts 9: “Saul, Saul, why are you out to get me?” [Paul] said, “Who are you, Master?” “I am Jesus, the One you’re hunting down.” (verses 4-5)

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