The New Christians

Rev Dave writes, “Keep rocking the quadrilateral” Ha! +1 tripp! As a transplanted Methodist, I had a similar thought (and we were just this week teaching the quad to our Confirmation class). Though I wasn’t brought up in that tradition, it seems to me that the quadrilateral is the most honest depiction of how we…

There’s a new hashtag in the Twitterverse that’s attracting a lot of attention.  It’s called “Twitter of Faith,” the hashtag is #TOF, and the idea is that Tweeters would write out what they believe in 140 characters or less. If Twitter isn’t on your radar yet, it’s a medium of micro-blogging that’s restricted to 140…

I’m adding another one today since I found what BudCath had to say interesting: Thanks for your comments. I would love for America to be guided by golden rule, but it is not and never has been. Indians, slavery, jim crow, terrible injustice toward our fellow human beings. But we can be better. I do…

Sean gets right to the point — a point that Rod and I will explore much more in coming weeks. Nine biblical citations are customarily invoked as relating to homosexuality. Four (Deuteronomy 23:17, 1 Kings 14:24, I Kings 22:46 and II Kings 23:7) simply forbid prostitution by men and women. Two others (Leviticus 18:19-23 and…

I’m going to start a new feature here at The New Christians.  Every day — well, almost every day — I’ll post what I consider to be a thoughtful comment that truly adds to the conversation, or a witty comment, or something that strikes my fancy. Today’s comment o’ the day comes from Jimil: For…

Rod, thanks for your last post; actually I agree with you: our government does legislate morality.  In fact, that’s why I think that it’s imperative that we seriously consider the moral implications of denying same sex couples the right to marry.  In doing so, we are missing an opportunity to decrease STDs, HIV, and promiscuity…

As we begin the week, here’s a round-up of the blogalogue entries so far: Tony’s Pre-Blogalogue Posts: Taking the Offline Online It’s Not about Me The Limits of Blogging Is It Inevitable? Emotions The Blogalogue Proper Tony: How I Went from There to Here Rod: Tony and Rod Discuss SSM Tony: Tony and Rod Discuss…

I am sorry to report that Stephen Baldwin is staying in the United States.  Baldwin, a B-list celebrity and convert to conservative evangelicalism, had declared to Fox News that if Barack Obama won the presidency, he would move out of the country.  We should have known that was too good to be true.  He now…

Hi there.  Welcome to my blog.  You may have found it because it’s been posted on some conservative website, and you feel it’s your duty to steer readers away from my false teaching.  Well, you’re welcome to do so. But, before you write your next comment, consider this: If all you do is call me…

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