The New Christians

I leave Minneapolis today for Memphis, Tennessee, in advance of The Great Emergence National Event with Phyllis Tickle.  My posts in the next few days will likely be focused on bar-b-que.  And, I suppose, on the content of the event and the people I meet there. In the meantime, if you haven’t already, I heartily…

Dr. Science weighs in on the question, Is There a Religious Left? As “Your name” demonstrates, the answer to Tony’s question is “Yes”. Back in November 2004, Jeff Sharlet confessed it quite clearly, talking about questions he and Peter Manseau were asked while discussing Killing the Buddha “What’s the common denominator of American faith?…

Not yet, according to Jeff Sharlet.  Sharlet was recently asked to contribute to a book on the supposed Religious Left, and he has posted the draft of his chapter at The Revealer (to which you all should subscribe). This is a question that interests me, in part because I’m now commonly placed in the “liberal”…

Over at Presbymergent, Leon Bloder has posted an open letter to his congregation, First Presbyterian of Eustis, Florida.  In it, he urges calm among congregants who are either ecstatic or in despair over BO’s election victory.  Money quote: As the Church, the Body of Christ, we need to lead the way in the healing that…

Several commenters have questioned my inclusion of the “B” in GLBTQ, suggesting that bisexual persons don’t fit under the monogamy that I endorse.  But PSUdain clarifies on my behalf: There seems to be a running confusion here about the nature of bisexuality. I have seen it so far in two comments and it is likely…

As those of us who are Western Christians begin Advent, I want to encourage you and your church to consider joining the Advent Conspiracy: [UPDATE: Leadership Network has a nice history of the Advent Conspiracy. HT: Emergent Village.]

I have become a huge fan of Pandora, and, I must say, I believe it has changed my music-listening habits for good.  For those of you who don’t know, Pandora is part of the Music Genome Project — basically, it’s a website (and Mac widget and iPhone app) into which you can type and artist…

I won’t be blogging about same sex marriage this weekend, and I don’t know if Rod will nor not.  But, in the meantime, I thought I’d point you to a couple other spots where I’ve found some good thoughts: Eugene Cho has a great discussion going about Prop 8 and the billboard purchased by my…

Having written yesterday’s essay on my childhood Thanksgivings in Gaylord, my spirit was tugged to drive out to the little town on the plains before all of the holiday festivities got underway.  So I climbed in my vehicle and drove west. It was a gorgeous day, and memories of years ago came flooding back.  I…

For years, it was always the same.  Around 8:45 in the morning, we’d pile in the station wagon and head over to church, greeted there by a couple high school students dressed as pilgrims and playing snare drums.  Inside, our Congregationalist Meetinghouse was attended to by more pilgrims and a cadre of severe looking clergy…

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