The New Christians

As someone who travels to speak 2-3 times per month, I have a simple memorandum-of-understanding that I ask my hosts to sign.  It covers things like travel and reimbursements. When I was a youth pastor, I also booked a couple Christian bands per year to play at our church for big events.  Their riders were…

To the post, The Newsweek Same Sex Marriage Kerfuffle, Dr. O’Hanlan writes, Galileo (science) was right and the Catholic Church was wrong and we finally had to admit it 500 years later. Science has some weighty evidence for us and we should listen. We are hurting our own 3% of youth who realize that they…

HT: Mike Morrell

Rowan Willams has the honor of leading us in an Advent meditation:

According to Men’s Health Magazine, men from Minnesota rank highly in the 25 Meanest Things Ever Said by Men and the 11 Smartest Things Ever Said about Fatherhood.  Included in the lists, Minnesotans Prince, Hubert Humphrey, Harmon Killebrew, and Garrison Keillor. IMHO, the moneyest quote comes not from a Minnesotan but about a Minnesotan: “He…

We’re starting a new weekly feature here at The New Christians.  It’s the Quote of the Week.  Nominations are always welcome — just post them in the comment section. Our inaugural quote: “God is both the shit and the fan.” –Phyllis Tickle

Newsweek editor Jon Meacham gambled this week, and he gambled big.  In what is, by any measure and extraordinary piece of journalism, Newsweek religion editor Lisa Miller wrote a cover story that basically says, the Bible does not define marriage nor does it condemn same sex marriage, and anyone who thinks it does is a…

Sam comments on my Rich Cizik post: I thank God for Rich Cizik’s courage. He was just out here at Azusa Pacific University where I now work and spoke some good words. I am like him, for civil unions for homosexual and heterosexual, with the church making theological decisions about marriage within each denomination. This…

On Fresh Air with Terry Gross, National Association of Evangelicals vice president of governmental affairs Rich Cizik admitted that his views on same sex unions are shifting.  While he made it clear that he does not favor same sex marriage, he did affirm the that he favors same sex civil unions.  Cizik also admitted that…

When I was a youth pastor, my church occasionally hosted an “ecumenical” worship service that moved around the Twin Cities in an attempt to unite Christians in worship.  (Truth be told, the monthly service was dominated by Pentecostals who danced, sang, and spoke in glossolalia.)  The Minnesota population of Messianic Jews is pretty darn small,…

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