Is Ted Haggard gay or straight?  Neither.  Few of us are.  Most of us, instead, are on a spectrum between the two, as Becky knight explains.  Money Quote: What was missing from the conversation was the awareness that sexual orientation exists on a spectrum. Between the polarizing categories of “gay” and “straight,” there is a…

Last night, I watched the HBO documentary, The Trials of Ted Haggard, and then caught the second half of Ted and Gayle Haggard’s appearance on Larry King Live. I went in quite skeptically.  I know a couple persons who knew/know Ted, and they describe him as something of a meglomaniac.  No surprise, Alexandra Pelosi paints…

Noah, a self-described conservative, makes a calm and helpful comment under Same Sex Marriage Blogalogue: Press Pause, To be really honest, the comment section makes me sad. It is sad to me that people become so ugly when discussions arise over A vs B. I lean more conservatively on the issue but it doesn’t mean…

Several of you have been dropping comments under other posts, asking why this much-pimped series petered out so quickly.  Well, here’s the deal: Rod chose to stop the blogalogue very shortly after it started. Both of us were inundated by comments that were, well, less than kind.  Rod has a more stringent comment policy on…

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