Do you like to read theology? And you’ve got a blog?  Then check this out from Tripp Fuller: I am helping to organize a series of conferences as part of a grant at school called Transforming Theology.  We will have a conference with three different groups, theologians, national denomination leaders, and seminary and divinity school…

Geez, I had no idea.  It’s actually Interfaith Heroes Month, at least according to David Crumm, late of the Detroit Free Press and now the editor of  Today he asks one of my favorite persons in the world, Sheryl Fullerton (my editor at Jossey-Bass) to reflect on inter-faith work, and she speaks of another…

As usual, lots and lots of mean-spirited commentary around GLBT issues here yesterday, but a couple of poignant comments stuck out under yesterday’s Comment of the Day and Sunday’s Announcing Queermergent. First, Kristi: done talking? done listening? i don’t understand what preson is done doing, i guess. and after looking at the original post, i…

Peter Rollins and Stephen Shields have begun a bit of a back-and-forth under the post, Ten Years of Emergent/ing.  Here’s Pete’s response to Stephen, and here’s hoping they’ll continue the conversation (here or elsewhere): Hey there Would love to chat, and I am sorry that my tone in the comments sounded so strong! I am…

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