Peter Rollins and Stephen Shields have begun a bit of a back-and-forth under the post, Ten Years of Emergent/ing.  Here’s Pete’s response to Stephen, and here’s hoping they’ll continue the conversation (here or elsewhere): Hey there Would love to chat, and I am sorry that my tone in the comments sounded so strong! I am…

I’m a regular commentator on Doug Pagitt’s daily radio show, The Question. (Yes, I believe that is a velour shirt.) His show runs from 10-11am Central Time on Blogtalkradio, and I join him most Tuesdays from 10:30-11:00 to talk about religion in America.  Today, of course, will be a special broadcast since it will be…

Preson takes issue with my post, Announcing Queermergent, as did many others.  What’s interesting is that I merely pointed out this new group, with no editorial comment.  Yet my even publicizing it raises the ire of many. I guess that simply acknowledging the existence of gay Christians is a bridge-too-far for some.  Alright, I’m done.…

Over the past several years, on my various blogs, I’ve pointed to or republished the Letter from a Birmingham Jail, written to the white clergymen of that city, to honor the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr.  Here it is again, with my emphases added.  I implore you to take the time to read it…

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