How can I manifest money quickly?

It’s a question I get asked all the time.

Some are looking for a magical solution, trying to get money without doing anything, hoping that somehow money will fall into their lap. Or that a kind soul will send them a check for millions of dollars. Or that they’ll win the lottery and have all their troubles solved.

When it comes to manifesting money there is no magical solution. Sure you could win the lottery, and maybe a relative might just send you a check. But if you really want to manifest money then here are a couple of suggestions.

Everything in the universe is tied to energy vibrating at certain level. If you want to have more money you have to tune in to what I refer to as the money vibration.

Those who have money have a positive money vibration. Those who don’t have as much as they want, or struggle with money have a negative money vibration.

To manifest, attract and have money you want to develop a positive money vibration.

Here’s how you can do that

How To Manifest Money

Look at money as something positive, something that can help you improve your life and improve the lives of others. Money is not the root of all evil. Instead, money can help you live a more comfortable and happy life.

Practice Abundance

Next practice abundance and that means seeing abundance everywhere. Nature has provided us with an abundance of air, trees, grass, water, food and everything we need. There is abundance everywhere. So when you walk down the street see the abundance, recognize it and appreciate all the abundance, even the abundance of people.

Then recognize the abundance of wealth that is all around you. Billions of dollars exchange hands everyday. There are people spending money everyday. There are businesses doing exchanges involving money everyday. There’s enough to go around for everyone. Now you can tap into that cycle of money being passed around.

You Are Wealthy

See yourself as wealthy as you want to be. The next time you go out and see something you like but feel you can’t afford, don’t say: “I can’t afford it” – instead tell yourself: “I can have that. I can have anything I want. Money is flowing to me. I’m tapping into the abundant supply of money.”

Then pretend you have as much money as you want. Close your eyes and just pretend you have all the money you desire. Walk with the feeling of having all the money you want for at least a few minutes a day, everyday.

Be Happy

Be happy. When you’re happy you raise your vibration and you attract positive situations and people.

Seek Out New Opportunities

Think about different ways to make and have more money. Open your mind to new possibilities and think of what else you can do to make, have and manifest more money. What you think about you attract into your life. Think about having money and you’ll attract more.

This means you also need to stop worrying about money because when you worry and think about what you don’t have, you get less and end up losing what little you may feel you have.

Get Rid Of Negative Money Thoughts

Finally, get rid of the negative thoughts about money. Any negative thoughts about money work against you and prevent you from attracting, manifesting and having more money. So get rid of those negative money beliefs, they’re not helping you. They’re only making life more difficult.

These negative thoughts are thoughts like:

  • I don’t know how to make money
  • I’m not smart enough
  • There are no good ways to make money
  • Rich people are mean; I don’t want to be mean
  • Money will change me
  • I’ll lose my friends if I’m rich
  • Money isn’t good
  • I’m better off where I am

These and similar negative money thoughts are tied to negative money beliefs. It’s those beliefs that are picked up by your subconscious mind and the universe which are then manifested.

So if you have any of those or similar negative money thoughts and you’re struggling with money, now you know why. Change those negative money thoughts to positive money thoughts and you’ll attract money into your life very quickly.

As you do what I just outlined you will discover new money making opportunities. Your job is to explore them. Don’t expect money to just fall into your lap. You’re going to have take some action to manifest the money and that usually means following up on the right opportunity. Sure you could win the lottery, but you’ll have to buy the winning ticket.

Now you can see that manifesting money isn’t about having one magical solution. But when you follow these multiple steps you’ll attract, manifest and have more money.

So take control of your financial life and start manifesting money today by creating a positive money vibration.

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