It is so damn easy to feel depressed, frustrated and disillusioned right now. In light of the widespread oppression, manipulation, intimidation that surrounds us today, we need to say something. There are signs everywhere in the subways of New York City that say, “If you see something, say something.” We Queens see quite clearly the…

  NR: Can you tell us more about response-ability? DH: Response-ability is the willingness to encounter each person, situation, event, and emotion with an open heart and an open mind, so that we can respond to the needs of others and our own needs with equal care. Born of awareness and consideration, response-ability means choosing…

by Leslene della Madre Look up, they said. Look up. See the man in the moon? I looked up. I didn’t see any man in the moon. Why did they all act like there was a man in the moon? They all believed it, But I don’t think they ever saw one. That’s why they…

Perhaps nowhere in history were women held in higher standing and regard than in Mama Africa, the birthplace of humanity and the world’s first great civilizations, with its preponderance of matriarchal and matrilineal societies. “You know that in our country there were even matriarchal societies where women were the most important element,” writes Amilcar Cabral,…

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