I came across this article in the Harvard Business Review. It came serendipitously while I was collecting articles about women’s relationship to power. This piece emphasizes that power can be interpreted and employed in different ways. That the concept of Power Over is a patriarchal concept that is fast becoming obsolete. And the faster we…

By Sharon Mesmer (Article first appeared in the NYTimes online on 2/11/16, and in the Sunday Review print edition 2/14/16: http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/02/11/all-praise-the-women-of-menopause/?_r=0) For some women, menopause is no big deal. Some say they barely notice it. My mother, long ago, described her menopause this way: “My periods just started gettin’ lighter and lighter, and my hormones…

Olya Melen, Ukraine Environmental attorney Olya Melen is a firebrand attorney who used legal channels to halt construction of a massive canal that would have cut through the heart of the Danube Delta, one of the world’s most valuable wetlands, a World Heritage Site, and biosphere reserve. The organization Environment-People-Law (EPL) filed lawsuits to prevent…

Amrita Devi, India Founder of the Shipko Movement in defense against deforestation Amrita Devi organized a large group of peasants from 84 villages in Rajasthan in an effort to protect the forests from being felled on the orders of the Maharaja of Jodhpur. In one day in 1730, 363 protestors were killed by the axes…

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