People that have addictions of any type have a particular mindset when it comes to thinking about their behavior. This locked in type of thinking is very dramatically polarized and results in only two options in assessing any experience. Thought processes become distorted and thinking outside of the box simply is not an option. One…

Peace.  What does that mean to you?  Is it silence?  Is it a day off to spend however you want?  Maybe peace is just your morning latte?  Whatever your peace is – it is important to remember how to invoke that feeling whenever you are in the face of stressors. With schedules what they are,…

There have been many books, blogs, and articles written about emotional sobriety, however, the word sobriety often scares people off who are not in recovery from drugs or alcohol or some other type of addiction whether it is gambling, sex and love, shopping, internet, co-dependency or food.  Sobriety usually means being sober   from drugs and/or…

I don’t know if I was just not watching the right channels yesterday but it appears that there was very little news on the airwaves about the results of Amy Winehouse’s toxicology reports on how she might have died.  It appeared weeks ago when she died, you couldn’t turn on a channel without hearing about…

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