The Celebrity Therapist

For many people, the Royal Family offers a glimpse into a world that is both traditional as well as fascinating. This is true for people in the United States as well as around the world. It seems as if royal relationships are particularly interesting, which does put an incredible amount of pressure on both the…

Attraction is mysterious. Just why do we become attracted to “certain” people? Part of the answer lies in our history. We are attracted to our first love which is usually the parent of the opposite sex. We are also attracted to people who remind us of others (real people, movie stars, magazine models, etc.) who stimulated us while we…

We want love, but we are afraid of it. We seek out a relationship and then sabotage it the first chance we get. We want space and when we get it we are lonely. We can’t live without a relationship and we can’t live with it. What is going on here? It is simple. We…

Join the 5th Annual  Recovery Today Series online conference sponsored by Soba Recovery Center.  Sherry Gaba, Editor of Recovery Today Magazine will be interviewing  20 of the greatest transformational leaders and addiction experts of our time.  Addiction does not just mean substance abuse but can mean codependency, love and sex addiction, debting, internet addiction, procrastionation and/or…

Being addicted to love is not the same as being a sex addict, a drug addict or an alcoholic. Love addicts are drawn to people that initially cause them to feel part of a whole rather than as an isolated individual. For a love addict being single and alone is a crisis. These are people…

According to Harville Hendrix we are attracted to our Imago–what he calls our dream partner– an image of which we carry around in our brain. The Imago is like a puzzle. As we are growing up, every time someone significant in our lives stimulates us it becomes a piece of the puzzle–a memory. Even with…

If you were to be asked to immediately write down the first 5 words that come to your mind to describe yourself, what would those words be? Would they be different if you knew you had to share them than if you were the only person that would even see the text on the page?…

It is common to hear addicts talk about themselves as if they were different than other people. They have often gone through so much and felt dehumanized so many times that seeing things work for other people is like watching a foreign film, they can’t understand the message and they don’t get the plot. In…

There is lot in the media about love addiction, but what about Relationship Addicts? How do they differ from Love Addicts? What makes them special and harder to treat? Why are they more likely to relapse? Relationship Addicts [RA] were the first type of love addict to be recognized. They were first called co-alcoholics and…

Whenever we get into a new romantic relationship, it’s natural for us to be infatuated and want to spend a lot of time with them. For those of us that are codependents or love addicts, we can become dangerously obsessed. The problem is that we don’t have anything to compare ourselves to, so we can’t…

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